
  • Caricom

    Although I was not aware of Mandela Day, I will celebrate it in honor of him and other Black heroes by spending time every day speaking up with wisdom, truth and solutions.

    Mandela was not a man who whined about the state of affairs in South Africa. He was a man of action against the apartheid regime there. Although I honor my brother for his determination and courage, I am sorely disappointed by the net results of the "fall of apartheid'.

    South Africa, under majority Black rule, has failed to solve it's problems of racism. For that, I am very disappointed. I fear that Black Africans there have fallen for the same misleading concepts and ideas, that have entrapped Blacks in America - civil rights, voting rights, integration, etc. without dealing with the root cause of Blacks problems in South Africa - RACISM.

    What is racism? IMHO, racism means "A competition between Blacks and Whites for wealth and power."

    Today, Whites own everything and control everything. Blacks own nothing and control nothing. Why?


    Have you ever played the game, MONOPOLY? The game begins with each player being given the same amount of Monopoly money. But in the real live game of Monopoly, Whites were given $10,000, Jews $5,000, Hispanics $3,000, Koreans $2,000 while Blacks were given $50. 

    How can Blacks 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' when they don't even have boots?

    This, my brothers and sisters, is exactly what happened to our ancestors in 1864, after the Civil War. Blacks who had been enslaved for 300 years were suddenly FREE! But they had no money, no land and no political power. 

    Whites ever since have denied pleas of reparations, opportunities for equal education, housing, medical care. Whites have even destroyed prosperous Black communities out of sheer envy and hatred. Look up the Tulsa Riots for yourself. This scene was repeated in Florida and other places in America.

    Whites, who control the media, use it to create a false image of Black people that even Black people have accepted as truth. For example, the false belief that we have more Blacks in prison than in college. The false belief that the Black Codes have been abolished in America. The false belief that Blacks will not financially support anything Black. The false idea that all Blacks are violent, dangerous, sex fiends, etc.

    The truth, once examined, proves over and over again that Whites use the media to lie to the American people. Iraq was invaded because the President believed their were Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) there. America destroyed Iraq, killed over a million people and never found any WMD's in Iraq. 

    How many buildings were destroyed during the terrorist attack known as 911? Most Americans will tell you 2 because that is what the media constantly shows the public. The truth? There were 3 buildings that collapsed that fateful day. That third building was not hit by a plane and had no raging fires threatening the structure of the building, but it collapsed in it's footprint just like the twin towers.

    The ruler of Libya was killed by rebels inside the country. Why? Not because he was 'murdering his own people' as Obama stated to the American public. He was killed because he was well underway to creating a United States of Africa, with it's own monetary system. African would no longer sell it's natural resources for paper money, but for only GOLD. Africa would have it's own communications satellite that it would own and operate without White input. Africa would have it's own banking system that would finance it's own development.

    White bankers were not willing to allow this to happen. It would upset the world monetary system and cause Africa to quickly become a world power simply because critical natural resources that the White world depends on for survival are only available in Africa. So, Obama and his friends supported an overthrow of Libya and the murder of it's African leader, Ghadaffi. This man was the leader of the most prosperous, peaceful and literate country in all of Africa. He and his country led by example. Go check and see what is happening in Libya today. Chaos. Why? Interference by Obama and company. So sad.

    Brothers and sisters, please forgive me for the length of this commentary. Sometimes this information just flows out of me without my will. Peace and love to one and all. 

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