SATURDAY 14th December 2013
1800 – 2030hrs
The Bernie Grant Centre, Tottenham N15 4RX
There have been many attempts in the UK and Europe to set up a dedicated national Reparations structure, including Bernie Grant’s ARM (Afrikan Reparation Movement). Global Afrikan Congress (GAC) is an international organisation with the sole aim of ensuring Afrikans at home and abroad achieve the demand for Reparations for our enslavement & colonialism.GACuk is carrying out that role by linking up with organisations and individuals who have these on their agenda.
We have remained true to our calling, and when a recent Reparations conference was called by CARICOM, GAC was the only Pan Afrikan organisation from the UK to participate and ensure A voice was heard.   
GACuk has called this meeting to:-
·        Move the Reparations campaign in the UK and Europe forward
·        Build the widest possible Reparations structure
·        Expose modern day British government involvement in our enslavement
·        Organise regular, immediate direct action response to help our demands
Glenroy watson GAC and RMT
Kingsley Abrahams UNITE
Zit Holbourne PCS 

One LOve

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    GACuk would like to thank all of you who attended our Reparations meeting on Saturday.  For those of you unable to attend, we plan to deliver other public meetings on this very important issue.  The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday 4th January 2014.  In the meantime, you can enquire about joining GACuk via this email.
    GACuk is the UK chapter of the Global Afrikan Congress - an international umbrella organisation established at the Afrikan and Afrikan Descendants World Conference Against Racism held in Barbados in 2002.  Membership of GAC consists of  organisations and individuals.  We have chapters all over the world, including in Africa and the Caribbean.  This makes absolute sense when campaigning for Reparations - which by its very nature is a global issue.  The fight for Reparations is the fight against globalisation, the fight against imperialism.  Imperialism is the highest form of capitalism.  Capitalism was born out of the enslavement of our ancestors.  
    Today, the international capitalist system finds itself in the deepest crisis it has ever experienced.  This is giving rise to growing totalitarianism in the West, a decrease in the standard of living for the world's population - including the working classes in the West, and an attempt by the Western governments to recolonize the majority world - including Afrika.  The demand for Reparations to be heard on the world stage is absolutely imperative.  This includes the consideration of the CARICOM initiative.  It is with this in mind that GACuk called the public meeting yesterday.
    At short notice, the speakers on the platform were changed.  The first speaker was Lee Jasper from BARAC.  He set the context for the importance of fighting for Reparations.  He spoke about the importance of unity amongst us.  He talked about the distrust that we often have for each other.  He gave valuable statistical information on the crisis in the UK for people of Afrikan origin.  This included the alarming increase in unemployment affecting all sectors of the Afrikan community; that the imprisonment of our youth has increased by 100% in five years; and the increasing level of institutionalised racism in our society.  The prerequisite for demanding Reparations is to stop the ongoing onslaught against us.  If we cannot stop it, we cannot be a real force.  We must actively campaign against the onslaught.  The second speaker was GACuk General Secretary Glenroy watson who stressed the importance of us knowing what Reparations is about, and how we must focus on what we needed to do.
    Lee Jasper had to give his apologies and leave the meeting shortly into the responses and questions from the floor due to prior commitments, because he had stepped in at very short notice.  His place on the panel was ably filled by Brother Minkah - a veteran of the struggle in the UK, and a member of GACuk.  
    There were many contributions from the floor.  Members from the audience expressed a concern about the role of CARICOM currently seeking Reparations.  Some members of the audience expressed concern that CARICOM were using a British law firm that did not appear to employ Afrikans, who had recently represented Kenyan elders who won minuscule compensation from the British government for the crimes that had been committed against them many decades ago during the Kenyan liberation struggle.  On the most part, there appeared to be an agreement from the audience on the need for unity.
    A summative view of the debate included that it is clear there is a weakened Pan-Afrikanist movement in the UK and globally.  Next year is the centenary of the establishment of UNIA - ACL.  GACuk are involved in organising commemorative events around this.  This has started with our postcard campaign.  The objective is to build up the Pan-Afrikanist movement in the UK.  Members of the audience were invited to look out for the events as they are published.
    GAC is a global organisation that links with Pan-Afrikan organisations globally.  The importance of us in the UK uniting with Pan-Afrikan organisations internationally was stressed.  Reparations is an international struggle.
    In the spirit of 'Unity is Strength', there was an agreement that GACuk and iNAPP (interim National African People's Parliament) would liaise outside of the meeting.
    The meeting ended on the fact that we must be unified and find common ground.  It is no accident that there is division amongst us.  It is the old 'divide and rule' strategy being replayed.  We need to be aware of this.  Those of us who want success must strive for unity.  
    "They don't want to see us unite.  All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting…"  Robert Nesta Marley.
    If you would like to find out further information about the Global Afrikan Congress, or would like to join, please contact our Membership Officer via this email, or send a text to 07940 036 305.  Organisations and individuals can join.  It is an international, Pan-Afrikanist, anti-imperialist umbrella organisation.
    Unity is Strength!
    Minkah and Funmi

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