Plans to Enforce Vaccination Nationwide & Eliminate Parental Authority
Press Release
Plans to Enforce Vaccination Nationwide &

Eliminate Parental Authority

Educational Articles to Help You Protect Your Children
Newark, Delaware - August 14, 2011

As the beginning of the school year approaches, conscientious parents who know about the link between vaccines and brain diseases (autism) are seeking exemptions from the dozens of vaccines most schools require children to have before entering the school building. Meanwhile, vaccination laws are being proposed and passed to eliminate parental rights and authority. California has done this. Today, it seems as though schools are more interested in vaccinating children than educating them.

Although parents know the value of education, no parent wants to be forced to have his/her children injected with vaccines, which contain "ingredients," such as mercury, aluminum, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, sodium borate (roach powder) and "secretive" genetically-engineered DNA from insects, plants, animals and human fetuses. How can these ingredients protect children from anything? Children are harmed beyond belief!

Fortunately, many physicians, who used to merely "follow orders" are now reading the labels on vaccines, and are aware of the dangerous chemicals in vaccines. Parents and physicians are uniting to fight the "hidden forces" that control the medical industry.

Informative & Educational Articles/Papers

Below is a list of articles and research papers that provide very clear, concise, logical and historical points and facts that make an irrefutable case against vaccination. Click on the links to download this information. Also pass it along to your relatives, friends and physicians (don't assume they know).

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A Powerful, Informative & Necessary Book
ISBN: 978-0982359303;232 pages; References; Tables; Size: 6x9



This book, consisting of three sections, lays the base for greater vigilance against mass vaccination. The first section, "Logical & Practical Premise for Rejecting Vaccination," shows how neither logic nor science supports this medical procedure, particularly the way it is universally implemented.


Section 2, "Historical Context of Vaccination," examines the political and economic agendas surrounding the origin of vaccination. It details the true history and consequences of vaccination, which is directly opposite what the medical industry claims. Understanding this history prevents us from being victimized.


The third section hinges on the theme, "A Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations," -the subtitle of this book. This descriptive phrase is in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a document that details the human and civil rights violations that moved the 13 American colonies, in 1776, to separate from the British Empire.


Vaccination, enforced since its inception, is a long-standing, egregious violation of our "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The pandemic of horrible vaccine-induced diseases is proof of this. This section provides astonishing details of how vaccination is destroying the human potential of everyone living in this country.



Chapter 6: Pursuit of Longevity

...Effective immunity is less depended upon vaccines (immunizations, as they are called), but inextricably depended on proper dietary and lifestyle habits. This means that a person's susceptibility to both infectious and chronic diseases is greatly predicated on his or her diet and behavior.


Through a proper diet, we are provided with the required nutrients to keep us healthy. Proper lifestyles eliminate inordinate stress and reduces our exposure to poisons; thereby, protecting our bodies internally and externally. This prevents our immune systems from being needlessly invoked and overloaded with the task of fighting antigens and poisons day and night.


Therefore, a child who eats healthy and is unvaccinated has greater resistance to infections from pathogens than a child who eats unhealthy and is vaccinated. How is this so?


The body requires adequate amounts of protein to produce antibodies and other immune cells that defend against invading microorganisms. This protein comes through an adequate diet...




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Despite the graphic nature of the picture below, people who have dedicated their lives to researching and educating others about vaccination would say that this is an accurate characterization, and it may soon resemble what will be happening in schools throughout this country. Read the following papers:



American Medical Association's Plan to Eliminate Parental Authority

Urgent Alert! Corporate-controlled profiteering organizations, such as the American Medical Association (AMA), are coercing state governments to rescind religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccinations, which eliminates parental authority.

Consider the following from the AMA, an organization that we did not vote into political office, yet it sways the federal agencies (FDA, CDC & HHS) and state governments to do its sinister bidding, with little concern about the harm done to our nation's children:


Please know that the AMA cannot prove anything it stated in its document. These statements were disproved a century ago! The articles I wrote squashes these lies!

We should wonder why, with so many problems facing our nation, there is a sadistic quest to vaccinate every human being on earth? Why are billionaires, such as Bill Gates and Ted Turner spending billions of dollars to vaccinate billions of people? We must ponder these questions.

About Kevin A. Muhammad

Kevin A. Muhammad

For more than three decades----under the guidance and leadership of the Honorable Min. Louis Farrakhan----Kevin A. Muhammad has dedicated his life to improving the health of the human family. In doing so, he has authored

more than a dozen books...




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