metabolic-cooking-3.jpgBy Sandy Klocinski  |  As per the New York Daily News certain foods may accelerate your metabolic process. Your metabolism manages the body's power to get rid of fat. Obviously, the sole method of altering your metabolism is to gain or lose weight and build muscle. However, consuming certain foods can provide your metabolic process a temporary lift as well as allow you to shed weight with time.

Milk Products

Calcium in milk products like low-fat milk and yogurt activates your metabolic process. Research at the University of Tennessee discovered that diet plan participants who ingested 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day shed as much as double the amount of pounds as diet plan participants who ingested a smaller amount of calcium. Perhaps the long used saying holds true: milk really does a body good.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates, present in food items like grains, fruits and cereals take more time for the system to break down which means you feel satisfied for a longer time after consuming these. This kind of carb will help get rid of fat by continuing to keep insulin amounts lower, which consequently pumps up your metabolic process. In contrast, simple carbs found in sugary food items such as candies, sweets and soda can rocket your insulin amounts, transmitting a communication to your system that it must keep additional body fat and slow your metabolic process.

A lot of breakfast food items have complex carbs (cereal, oatmeal, wheat toast or bagels). A particularly beneficial body fat burner is oatmeal since it breaks down gradually in your tummy. Eating food every morning may also make it easier for your system to burn body fat since it will keep your insulin amounts lower, stimulating faster calorie burn off. A U.S. Navy clinical study revealed that eating a morning meal helped to increase fat burning capacity by ten percent. Missing meals during the day slows your metabolic process, making your system keep additional body fat.


Capsaicin - the chemical substance that provides peppers their hotness - accelerates your pulse rate which speeds up your metabolic process. Consuming a single hot and spicy food per day may increase your metabolic process around twenty-five percent, an increase which will last around three hours. Some examples of hot and spicy bites to try out are jalapenos, habaneros and cayenne peppers.

Green Tea

Just like hot and spicy food items, caffeine accelerates your pulse rate making your system burn off a lot more calories. However, green tea also has a chemical substance known as EGCG which causes your nervous system to operate faster which likewise helps you burn calories. The mixture of caffeine and a minimum of 90 milligrams of EGCG three times per day will help you burn off an additional eighty calories.


It requires much more energy for the system to break down proteins than carbs or body fat. Therefore the more proteins you consume, the more your system will work to assimilate it, burning up more calories. Research workers at Arizona State University discovered that people who consumed a high-protein daily diet burned up two times as many calories after eating than people who consumed a high-carbohydrate daily diet.

Sea Food

Apart from truly being an excellent simple protein source sea food has omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids change the amounts of the hormone leptin which determines if you burn off calories or keep them as body fat. Research at the Mayo Clinic contrasted two African tribes; people of one tribe who ingested a large amount of sea food had leptin amounts five times lower than people of a different tribe who mainly ingested veggies. The perfect options for omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, tuna and sardines. When you do not want sea food a fish oil supplement functions equally well.

Learn how to prepare quick and easy recipes designed with simple fat burning foods.

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