by Runoko Rashidi 25 December 2008 Greetings Family, How are you? It is Xmas morning here in Los Angeles, it is raining, there is plenty of food, I am with family, and I am okay. Indeed, I am blessed. A couple or weeks ago I posted an update about the hospital stay of Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. A couple of days ago I posted a tribute to Dr. Chancellor James Williams. I also mentioned the soon to be birthdays of Cheikh Anta Diop and John Henrik Clarke. I loved these giants and apparently a number of you have felt likewise. For some reason I somehow neglected to mention Dr. Carter G. Woodson, born on 19 December 1875. Over the years I have been influenced by, interacted with, and, in some cases, been fortunate to get to know a number of them, elders and ancestors, (some extensively, others just in passing), including Ivan Van Sertima, Kefa Nepthys, Leonard Jeffries, Clara Mann, John G. Jackson, Jan Carew, Charles B. Copher, Jacob Hudson Carruthers, Edward Vivian Scobie, Nana Ekow Butweiku I, William Mackey, George Simmonds, and numerous others, most recently Asa G. Hilliard III and Charles Middleton. Recently, I was able to spend a moment with Abdias Nascimento in Rio De Janeiro. And these are just a few of them who lived in the Western Hemisphere. Some of them, like John G. Jackson, died disillusioned and in poverty, and I don't think that Doc Ben is in great financial shape either. I bet that we could add a lot of names to this list. I am sure that there are others in the United States, in Africa, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Australia, India, wherever Black people are--untold numbers of Black women and men who made critical contributions to our consciousness but were not so famous, either at home or abroad. The question is: what do we owe these sisters and brothers who toiled their lifetimes for us? Do we have a duty and obligation to look out for them when they are in need? What do we do for their families? Of course, I think that we really know the answers already. But we must always be seeking to translate our lofty ideals into practice. We are pretty good about talking, but are we as good about doing? And what are we capable of doing, or do you think that we should be doing anything? What do we do for the African scholars in need? How do we preserve their archives? Exactly what do we do? What should we do? Food for thought for you! In love of Africa, Runoko Rashidi Okello runoko@yahoo.com http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/runoko.html

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  • West
    In the Name of Allah

    As-Salaam Alaikum, Peace & Greetings

    I've been pondering this question for some time. Now that I'm in the catagory of being
    one of the oldest persons in my family (grandma, and great-gran'ma) -- it seems that
    many young people are afraid to approach their elders who are basically history on two

    In this day and age of instant communication, it is a shame for us to miss the opportunity
    of collect and archieve family histories, events, stories, persons and places. It is almost
    possible to have interactive holograms of family and friends which make documenting
    family histories all the more easiter to collect and sotre for future generations. But we have
    to ASK! I used to sit and listen to my Grandmother and her "company" talk about their
    days in the country -- I wish someone had recorded just one of those conversations (wiht
    her permission of course). A family I know of did just that, and it is wonderful to listen to
    the recitation and asnwers to questions from family members.

    I would say, do it now! Don't wait until the elders life-force is weakened by illness or
    dimmed memory. Having access to family elders is a blessed treasure iat hand - once its

    Peace and Blessings
    As-Salaam Alaikum,
    Sister Halimah Allah
    it cannot be recovered!
    • Chicago-Midwest
      hotep fam

      i recently heard about dr. ben being in a nursing home and soon as i heard this i went to the bronx to visit the grand master teacher show love and support and left him some cash. i will be going back in a couple of weeks and i will take him some pull ups and pants seeming that he only got one pair of pants

      this great man gave his whole life to wake us up from our deep sleep i've only known about kmt for 2 1/2 years and for the longest i thought dr. ben was an ancestors but when i saw sarasuteseti with him on youtube i ran to meeet the great teacher and now i am working on raising money to get the teacher of all teachers out of that nursing home.

      we all should be ashamed who call ourselves students of DR. BEN and aint went to see the teacher especially those who are right there in the area i left michigan to go see the teacher didnt care about how much the cost and time was this is revelution time i this is the first step to revolution one of the many first steps and thats taking care of the elders who woke us up.

      when i went there i saw a few names o the board such as runko rashidi and dr. jefferies and a few letters. that room should have been filled with bags of letters and money and people. there should have been a line outside of the nursing home. i pulled in the parking lot and didnt even have to look for a parking spot. thats a damn shame.

      we owe a debt to dr ben and there is no way he should be in that nursing home and he shouldnt have to need or want for anything

      hotep fam.

      here i ame with dr. ben

  • "Runoko Rashidi"
    Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:25 AM

    28 December 2008

    Greetings Family,

    I hope that you are well. When I started the Travel with Runoko Egroup in the North Pacific a couple of years I promised not to send out a lot of emails. I have tried with varying degrees of success to keep that promise. With more and more members being subscribed it has not always been easy. I made that same promise at the advent of the Global African Presence Egroup.

    I have received a number of responses to this email about our role in assisting elderly African scholars and activists in need. So rather than post them individually I thought, since I have a rare extra bit of time on my hands these days, that I would assemble them together into one large email.

    You check them out and then we can see where we go from here. Perhaps something very positive and something concrete will come out of it.

    A few years ago need we did something similar in establishing a Global African Community Library at the Sunrise Academy in Teshie, Accra, Ghana. It made us all very proud. Let's do it again, perhaps on a much grander scale!

    I'll start by posting the slightly revised initial letter from 25 December and then the responses to it. A couple of them have already been posted. If you sent a post and you don't see it here then conclude that it was simply an oversight on my part and please resend. And remember, these are just the responses sent to the Travel with Runoko and Global African Presence Egroups. Perhaps at some point we can incorporate all of the responses that I have received from the various African oriented egroups on the net.

    Let's make something happen! Based on your responses to this large email I will respond accordingly.

    My ego is secure enough that I don't need any credit here and I don't want to handle anybody's money, but I would, like you, very much like to see something serious come out of this and will therefore act as one of the coordinators of the project.

    Where do we go from here?

    In love of Africa and African people,

    Brother Runoko


    Dear Brother

    I nver responded to this because it made me to cry. I believe that we should do something to honor our scolars. These men were the foundation of which FREEDOM FIGHTERS learn from. We as Africans were treated wrongly and biasely by the Western media and its propaganda effects. To counteratct the pschological war against us these scolars planted the seed of true information that enlighten us. We may talk about Mendela, Dr King, Biko, Lumumba, Malcolm and others becuase they were in the forefront of the stuggle but the schools of our scolars laid the truth and information down to all the Blaack people universally that give us the mental strenght to fight the power.

    Even as a theologian, Black theology starting from Cone ir Elijah Mohammed was built on the scholary foundations of our scribes/ or GRIOTS.

    Emmanuel Woods

    Brother Runoko,

    Great question!! Recently, Dr. Len Jeffries was in town and I asked him how Dr. Ben was doing. He stated that "he was ready to come home, but didn't have anyone to take care of him." I'm gonna put some serious thought into your "call", because has young warrior we must provide resources for our "elder scholars in need." We have stood on the shoulders of them for too long. We must construct and finance a foundation for our elders. More to come.

    I think a foundation should be established where folks can send donations and earmark contribution to/for a specific person or general 'where the need is greatest.'



    I would say clearly, that the majority of us outside of Africa and dominated African lands for historical/chronological reasons, lack our ideal cultural development for this reality to be common place amongst our people in America . But this doesn't mean it isn't possible. It simply means that it should be all our goal as a people without exception and constantly taught and spoken about as our priority in every aspect of our lives. This will ensure its reality and maintenance of it. We must create our reality for all the right reasons in ideal manners as effectively as our oppressors have create one for us for all of the wrong reasons in the worse manners.


    Greetings Family. We owe them everything,also look at our recent history in relationship some others; garvey,richard b. moore,carlos cooks, willis n. huggins, c.c.seifert.alfred ligon, victoria matthews,f.h.hammurabi;and many more. We have failed them by not building brick and mortar institutions that carry on their work and legacies. Our behavior has been criminal;The record is clear; period.


    Greetings brother Runoko

    with all due respect I am responding to your post below. As you know, better than I do, the field or profession of scholarship has historically not been lucrative financially except in a few ages or eras when a rich benefactor, or a lord or king sponsored a scholar that he or she may have liked. All other times scholars have not only lived and died poor but many have often been imprisoned and executed because they published their positions and taught them publicly to their students. Usually, the only time the field becomes lucrative is when the scholar is glorifying a tyrant or saying something that a tyrant wants to hear so he takes that scholar and props him/her up so that he can perpetuate lies in the name of knowledge. This is history. When God begin to wake certain Black men and women up and guide them to right knowledge, I am sure that they learned early on that what they had been brought to would not make them rich. Yes, a scholar should make lots
    of money because those hours of toil late into the night researching and writing is more valuable to the world than gold. But, the ones who control and guide the world often do so based on falsehood and lies and that makes the scholar their enemy if the scholar is dedicated to finding and disseminating the TRUTH. Therefore, the poor righteous scholar who should be a professor of the most prestigious universities often find themselves without jobs, or often having to delete some truth from his/her book in order to get it published if they ever do get it published. That is why often the world only learns of the genius of some great scholars only after they are dead and gone, after which the hidden or discarded works are brought out and published by someone else.

    The great man called Jesus once said "...if you know the truth the truth will set you free". Well the last thing that tyrannical rulers both large and small want is for folk to be free, especially mentally free because once one is mentally and psychologically free the tyrant cannot enslave them. So scholars are raised up by God in order to bring truth to the people so that they can make an educated choice of whether or not they want to break the chains of psychological enslavement or remain slaves to the lie. Once a scholar gives his life to bring truth to the poor and down trodden he/she has accomplished their great goal in life. If they have not been enriched financially through their work in this life then they certainly will be in the next life because of the great sacrifice and great charity they have given. I honor and respect every scholar regardless of how renowned they are in life or death. The only thing that we as recipients of their
    knowledge can or should do is contribute whatever we can afford to the memory of those departed in whatever way that seems best to their family. But what we should not do is MAKE STATUES FOR THEM IN THIER IMAGE. If we do this we MAY be consigning those who we love and respect to hell. God commanded that man make no image of anything in the heavens above, the earth below or the waters beneath the earth, Of course those of you who do not believe in God or heaven or hell will not accept this and that is your right. But I drop this knowledge in memory of ALL righteous scholars living or dead. Do with it as you will.
    Respectfully submitted

    Salahudin Abdur Rahim Ahmadu Hamm

    This is an interesting question. I have seen Dr. Ben several times when he lectured in Atlanta. When he attended Asa Hilliard's funeral, I had the opportunity to speak with him. I determined that I would send him a (small) check monthly. I did this for a couple of occasions and the checks were not cashed. I called to find out if they were being received and learned that he was in nursing care. To my knowledge, the checks have still not been cashed. I don't know if they were misplaced or what. I realize it is difficult for people who may not be mobile to deal with cashing checks, etc. Any suggestions you have would be helpful to me

    Dianne Ryan

    About what do we do for the elders, i think that we should do like we do for our elders among Rastafarian people, i mean make a calendar with the elders we still have, ask who would be able to be Godfather or Godmother and be able to send a contribution every month for them and that way that
    will permit those elders to pay some bills or to have a little money in their pocket to do or pay something they like I'm ready to be the one of Dr. Ben Jochannan.

    What do you think about the idea?

    Zawadi Sagna

    I like the missive. Let me know if anything concrete comes from this, like a chain of African-centered convalescent homes or a fund to take care of our elders which is easily accessible to those in need.

    Wanda Sabir

    Greetings Runoko: I believe those who would like to contribute should organize around that desire so we may assist our scholars and their loved ones. I am willing to start a fund and I invite those of like minds to join me in establishing a Foundation that supports our Beloved scholars and their families. For starters I am willing to contribute one thousand dollars ($1,000) towards this end. Anyone else interested, let's talk and get the legalities, business account, etc. started and let's get moving! Forget the talk, we already know what we want to do! My name is Sister Muriel Shabazz and I own Shabazz Restaurant in Los Angeles.

    Peace and Blessings to all.

    Take Care, Dare to Dream and Make EveryDay an Epic Adventure

    Sister Muriel

    You are such a good BLACK MAN. You walk in such integrity and commitment . What you are doing to maintain the legacy and insure the continuity makes the ancestors smile. I salute you and your spirit in this time of new beginnings.

    Take care of your self

    Yours in collaboration

    W. J.. Hardiman
    TESC Faculty - Telling the Untold Story f/w 08/09
    The Evergreen State College

    Brother Runoko,

    Do you know Shaka Santori here in L.A. I believe he has an organization
    which raises funds for scholars such as you mentioned. I know he is/was a good friend of Bro. Dadisi and was affected by how he left us and didn't have a lot financially to leave his family either. He and I are in a
    think tank together with Dr. David Horne and I can get his info if you wish.



    Yes, there should be a non-profit that provides grants, etc., to
    both scholars and community organizations. More importantly, we should
    expand on the study and reproduce the great people and community.

    kamau mposi


    I think the Travel with Runoko e-groups can begin the process of starting this foundation for our elder scholars by making a contribution that they can afford. It may be asking a lot of Brother Runoko to set up the account where we can directly send donations, but I think it is necessary in order to take this beyond the talking stage.



    On this Kwanzaa Day, i am right now listenting to a song by Nina Simone "Everyone's gone to the moon". That is what is happening in Harlem. The dismanteling brick by brick and person by person. The brother SHANGE of the famous "Record Shack" is on the street selling wares. Dr Ben removed to the Bronx where the city is moving most of the poor and homeless and the politicans are part of the equation.

    Tomorrow is a Kwanzaa event at the National Black Theater and I do want to put a call out but am not sure there are warriors that can take stand to make this end.

    It's not enough to just stay alive.



    I think this is a great idea!

    Patricia Ryan

    Hotep Family,

    I had the same thing on my mind. Everything begin with thought. Is a matter of fact. I was in my study group preparing for our kwanzaa event. I pull out my envelope and wrote Dr. Ben name on it and put a donation in the envelope. Two more gentlemen ask to sign the envelope and they gave a donation. Three People, the number three represent change. Well we can sent a earth day gift and pay on his phone at the hospital.

    Dr. Ben is on SS. If you give money they will take it off his SS check . So, you must be careful with giving money. Dr. Lewis is his Doctor

    You know how kid are.

    The internet Dr. Ben is not receiving anything from that. Dr. Ben did all the work and people make copies and sell it for 20.00. Not a dime go to him.

    Many Blessing People

    Hotep bro/sis jm, I think thats an excellent suggestion besides, SERIOUS minded folks need to take immediated action and stop waiting for others on useless nonproductive ideals.They help woke us up, they educated us, nutured us , and now the flock[ the woolly hair sheeps] must takecare the shepards[ the masters] ,thats the least we can do.

    I-M-hotep, Nebu Seshmu Amun Re

    Ps. for those who have Dr. Ben and the other masters in financial need [phone number/home mailing address] please provide

    ASANTE, You have provided the answer.Pls start a Global African Foundation not ony for USA but for all countrieswith suffering Black intellectuals, activists, etc. There will some rich Blacks worldwide who will contribute including the rich intelectuals too.


    Ishola Williams
  • DMV

    This is an inconvenient discussion that needs to take place. I'm glad you brought it up.

    Add to the list Katherine Dunham who died in poverty in East St. Louis a few years ago. The irony about taking care of our revolutionary elders is that their lives were lived in sacrifice to us which made them pariahs in the white community. Just like old "B" movie actors have a rest home financed by Hollweird, I think all major Afrikan organizations, e.g., NAACP, NBUF, GAC, Urban League, should have a Home for Revolutionaries so that they could live and die without want for anything.

    Again, I'm glad you raised this question and I hope that our responses to it will leave to substantive action.

    Much respect,

    Ray Winbush
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