The Black Star Project; Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:58 AM The War Between Black Children and the World in Which They Live This war that our children are fighting against each other in the schools they attend, and against the communities in which they live, started for them in their homes. It can only be stopped in their homes. COMMENTARY: The War Between Black Children and the World in Which They Live by Phillip Jackson Many Black children and students are socially and emotionally out of control and are choosing violence and aggression as a way to solve problems in the world in which they live. They swear, fight, vandalize, challenge authority and exhibit other overly-aggressive behaviors. Too many of these children have little respect for authority and no fear of consequences for their actions.

They do not fear or respect clergy, teachers, their parents or even the police nor will they listen to well-meaning adults or respond to positive guidance. In some schools in the United States, the daily classroom environment is a war zone with the possibility of crippling, and sometimes deadly, violence amongst the children themselves and the world in which they live.

In Chicago, a study by the Advancement Project entitled "Education on Lockdown: The Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Track" reports that in the public school system of more than 400,000 students, 29,700 students were suspended in the 2002-2003 school year and possibly up to 3,000 students were expelled in the 2003-2004 school year. But both of these figures pale in comparison to a reported 8,539 youths arrested in 2003. These arrests included about seventy 7-, 8- and 9-year-olds; hundreds of pre-teens; and thousands of 14- to 16-year olds. While Black students constitute 50% of the student enrollment, they comprised 76% of the suspensions, 78% of the expulsions and 77% of those arrested, mostly young Black males. When children and students are not cooperative, self-managed and self-disciplined, they cannot effectively learn. Teachers are being asked to be social workers, disciplinarians and police officers as well as teachers. With this expectation, there is no way that they can be successful in any of these roles, especially that of teacher! In many schools, the school day is spent on containment rather than enlightenment. It is no coincidence that the student populations with the highest suspension, expulsion and arrest rates have the lowest reading, math and writing scores, and lowest graduation rates. School districts across the country are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on security that should be spent on education enhancements. Calling the police, hopefully a last resort, is not an effective way to manage students who misbehave. Police officers are not trained as social workers or disciplinarians. They are trained in crowd control and in pre-incarceration tactics and operations.

The solution to the problem of violence among Black children does not lie predominantly with schools, police or jails. This problem cannot be solved by government or social service agencies by themselves. This war that our children are fighting against each other in the schools they attend, and against the communities in which they live, started for them in their homes. It can only be stopped in their homes. While educators, society and government all have a role, it must be acknowledged that the parents, families and communities of these youths hold the key to stopping violence in our schools and communities. Parents, families and communities must establish a new culture with new standards and new expectations that allow and encourage Black students to succeed in mainstream American society without violence and physical aggression. A national infrastructure must be created to manage the resources, programs, ideas and people who can solve this problem. Programs and good intentions cannot fix this problem. The solution needs to be comprehensive, systemic, well-conceived, well-funded and well-executed. The best school safety solutions start in the homes and the communities of the children. The best disciplinarian for a child is the cultural framework of mutual respect and self-discipline taught to children at a young age by their parents and the community in which they live. The best mentors for children are loving, nurturing and caring parents. Black boys and girls need to be to be in the presence of strong, positive Black men and women if they are to follow a similar path in life. If your school or community is not utilizing these kinds of solutions to eliminate violence and improve academic performance, it has become a disservice to the children and the community it is suppose to serve and part of the overall problem of violence among our youth. Phillip Jackson is executive director of the Chicago-based Black Star Project. For information, call 773-285-9600, email or visit our What You Can Do To Prevent Youth Violence According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Who is at risk for youth violence? A number of factors can increase the risk of a youth engaging in violence. However, the presence of these factors does not always mean that a young person will become an offender. Risk factors for youth violence include: Prior history of violence Drug, alcohol or tobacco use Association with delinquent peers Poor family functioning Poor school grades Poverty in the community Strategies for Preventing Youth Violence The ultimate goal is to stop youth violence before it starts. Several prevention strategies have been identified: Parent- and family-based programs improve family relations. Parents receive training on child development. They also learn skills for talking with their kids and solving problems in nonviolent ways. Social-development strategies teach children how to handle tough social situations. They learn how to resolve problems without using violence. Mentoring programs pair an adult with a young person. The adult serves as a positive role model and helps guide the young person's behavior. Changes can be made to the physical and social environment. These changes address the social and economic causes of violence. Note: This is a partial list. For more information, see The Black Star Project | 3509 S. King Drive, Suite 2B | Chicago | IL | 60653

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  • DMV
    FW: KILLING BLACK BABIES FOR CHRIST!!!Friday, November 14, 2008 12:11 PM
    From: "Abeeku Ohene-El" To: "Aaron Bey"

    > Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 09:13:27 -0700
    > From:
    > To:;;
    > CC:;
    > Family;
    > In 2005 during my "DEATHMARCH-KATRINA" lecture,
    > I warned you about Barak Obama. Don't say I
    > didn't warn you about this sick cracker-witch
    > Sarah Pale-un being promoted as Christian negroes'
    > favorite candidate for president in 2012. You won't
    > think this is so crazy after Obama is eventually
    > outed as a closet muslim, homosexual and former
    > crack-suckin' non-nationalized zionist puppet.
    > (Among other things)
    > Pay CLOSE attention...
    > A recent poll stated that two-thirds
    > of Republicans said Sarah Palin would
    > be their choice for president in 2012.
    > And why should WE be worried?!
    > Well; according to Republican pollsters there is
    > now a "Sarah Palin wing" of the party described
    > as "...grassroots, 'anti-intellectual' (WTF),
    > small town, and culturally conservative."
    > Of course this is just another way of saying that
    > the Republican Party will be aggressively courting
    > the single brain-celled, trailer trash, Dixie
    > red-neck "white niggers" as THEIR grass-roots
    > constituency to win back the white house in 2012.
    > But WAIT! Here's where it REALLY gets freaky Family!!
    > Barely mentioned in the media during her campaign
    > for the vice-presidency is the fact that Sarah
    > Palin is FANATICALLY dedicated to an aggressive
    > form of Christianity her spiritual leaders call
    > "the army against witchcraft in spiritual warfare."
    > And where did they get the basic premise for their
    > twisted beliefs????!!!
    > You guessed it family......AFRICA!!!!!!!
    > Remember when Sarah Palin had Thomas Muthee, an
    > African preacher and self-described witchcraft
    > fighter laying hands on her in her church in
    > Alaska? Well, this sick F*@K belongs to THE
    > biggest evangelical Christian church in Nigeria
    > who passionately declare their belief that many
    > of their OWN children are in fact....WITCHES!!
    > Listen CLOSELY to this Christianized nigger:
    > Now check Sarah receiving her "annointing" from
    > "Uncle Tom-ass":
    > Denounced as "Satan in the flesh" by these sicko
    > "pastors" and "prophetesses", thousands of our black
    > babies are being blamed for catastrophes, deaths
    > and famine. Branded as witches, these poor children
    > have been through inexplicable horrors - tortured,
    > starved, abandoned and murdered - all in the name
    > of their parents' "Lord and Slave-ior", Jesus Christ.
    > For example; Ekemeni (aged 13) was tied up with chicken
    > wire, starved and beaten for two weeks. Mary (aged 14)
    > was burnt with acid before her mother attempted to bury
    > her alive. Uma Eke (aged 17) has been left brain-damaged
    > after having a 3-INCH NAIL DRIVEN INTO HER SKULL!!!!!!!!
    > Meanwhile the surviving children walk around their villages
    > with the remnants of their "witch-branding"...acid burns,
    > machete scars and whip marks.
    > (Ummm! So this 'new Christianity' champions women's rights?!!)
    > Take a GOOD look at the video below to see how European
    > Christianity has so thoroughly F*@KED UP the minds of our
    > African brothers and sisters, that they've now "faithfully"
    > perverted their OWN tribal beliefs into a psychological
    > weapon contributing to their own genocide...ALL IN THE NAME
    > (Also attached is Keith Olberman's report on Palin and Muthee)
    > One preacher who calls himself 'The Bishop,' says he
    > has made a fortune by carrying out 'deliverances' on
    > PAST!!!! How many CHILDREN, he does not say.
    > Exorcism is BIG business there. Preachers can charge
    > as much as a year's salary to "treat" 'possessed'
    > children. And these bastards will often hold a child
    > captive until the parents can pay up. If they can't pay,
    > the child is "farmed out" as an indentured bond-slave
    > to work off the debt.
    > Of course, who comes to the rescue??!! Yet another of
    > the Demon's own white representatives; one who claims
    > membership in a more "benign", "sympathetic" faction
    > of his cousin's Bible-bigoted religion.
    > Gary Foxcroft, Director of "UK Charity Stepping Stones"
    > Nigeria, says: "...It's an absolute scandal. Any Christian
    > would look at the situation that is going on here and
    > just be absolutely outraged that they were using the
    > teachings of Jesus Christ to exploit and abuse innocent
    > children."
    > Yeah RIGHT!! Tell that to Sarah Pale-one and her witch-
    > hunting congregation!
    > Beloved Family; here we see once again the side effects
    > of what I term "Theo-Psychosis", or 'religion-based
    > insanity', where "Christianized niggers" have become
    > the picture-perfect "negatives" of their white oppressors.
    > Now, as their masters did during their own Inquisition,
    > thousands of Africa's black babies are being beaten,
    > tortured, rejected and even MURDERED by their OWN
    > families and villages; all in the name of JEEE-SUSSS!!
    > What better way to psychologically assure generational
    > servitude to the Vatican through "Monarch" trauma-based
    > MIND control, as well as maintaining a self-perpetuating
    > system of POPULATION control.
    > So get ready for 2012 people - CHRISTIAN style!! Not only
    > will we be voting for a self-absorbed, "non-intellectual"
    > cracker as our president during our planet's "Shift" thru
    > the "end of time" (2012), but for a candidate who fervently
    > practices a homocidal form of "witch-fighting Christianity"
    > dedicated to spiritual warfare and the violent erradication
    > of ANYONE (children included) they deem to be possessed
    > demon witches!
    > Bro. Valentine

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  • West
    In the Name of Allah

    As-Salaam Alaikum,

    As a mother of sons and daughters the plight of children, in particular, Black children
    is of great concern to me. Over the years little progress as occured toward building
    a better world in which children and live, grown and prosper, as should be our gift
    to future generations. If there is no hope for our children there is no hope for our
    nation of people. I am reminded of this as I work I'm listening to the soundtrack from
    "Sarafina" (the Original, as it is pointed out by one of the charaters --- "our nation is
    in the grave" because of the inability of adults to protect their children. So the students
    of Soweto rose up!

    The boy, David slaying Goliath and helping his people against a tyrant. King Tut was just
    13 years of age. Sally Hemming was 9 years, Jesus was 12 years of age when he began
    teaching in the Temple. The children are the responsibility and product of the nation into
    which they are born. The care a reasring of children is a Divine assignment, the tester being
    the Divine Supreme Being Himself, Our fitness measure by the fruits we bear, and as the old
    saying goes: "A branch doesn't fall far from the tree."

    "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it."
    Proverbs 12:6

  • hetep,

    this post is no different than the other commetaries that blame the children for their psycho-social sexual problems, which let's the diabolical mechanisms of the enemy state cleanly off the hook or accountability. and i'll forever, as long as i can read, write and speak, defend the black youth, who have been thrown to the wolves not only by the white supremacist system of the united snakes of amerikkka, but by so-called black leadership itself.

    it is clear that your post is grossly tainted with all kinds of flaws, the very same flaws that are part of the problem, when it comes to analyzing the black condition from a correct position-the continual effects of white terrorism on the psyche of the black collective unconscious, manufactured by the enemy state. the decadent situation of death, disease and destruction among the black collective youth will not be scapegoated through blaming the victims of a demented and dysfunctional european cultural complex that was carried with the first amerikkkan settlers, who were a hoard of criminals of all kinds.

    history has clearly shown that wherever a population laden with oppressive and represssive conditions that that same stressed population will turn inward on itself when there is no economic infrastructure with which to sustain that peoples communities or environment. case in point: when the british were carrying out their tribo-factionalistic-religious wars against their fellow irish caucasian brethren and sistren in western europe, there was a vacuum that was created which left the irish to fend for themselves in isolated communities that was deprived of an economic infrastructure. what was the results? the same criminal social ills that the black youth of amerikkka are now being blamed for, instead of critically analyzing the foundational politico-economic motives.

    anybody who professes to be in any type of campaign to rescusitate the black youth from a carefully planned cycle of death, which has been disguised as black on black crime, should be aware of the consequences of a purposeful plan to create a deadly and toxic dilemma that has a means to an end. whether in afrika or anywhere else where you will find the neurotic disease of the europeanism, with its violent nature, having catastrophic influences among non-caucasian people.

    the black youth of the war zones of afrika are the manifestation of a continued colonialism which has managed and learned to disguise itself under the banner if democracy and its imf and world banks, which foster the perception of economic relief, while it does exactly the opposite for the sole purpose of sustaining the white euro-amerikkkan materialist states. it is an imperative that in order for afrika and the black youth to live the imperialist structure of white supremacy must die. there won't be no changing anything until the black youth are given the proper black leadership, which is able to take a clear and correct position, based on revolutionary politics, on the state of black affairs.

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