Sunday May 29th is the 35th anniversary of Oscar Lopez Rivera's arrest!  WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!  GET INTO ACTION AND TWEET OBAMA!  DEMAND OSCAR'S RELEASE!


On Sunday May 29th, let President Obama know that Oscar has the support of the masses!


Tweet the following message to President Obama:
@BarackObama I add my voice to the thousands demanding: Free Oscar Lopez Rivera NOW! #FreeOscarLopez 

Ask your friends, family, co-workers, church members, classmates or union members, to support this campaign! United our voices can make freedom happen!

Inspired by the “5th of every month for the Cuban 5” campaign and the 33 x Oscar initiative in Puerto Rico, The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign has decided to dedicate the 29th of every month to Oscar Lopez Rivera!  Why the 29th?  Because Oscar was arrested on May 29, 1981!

In 2014, ProLibertad organized various actions for Oscar on the 29th of each month.  We organized pickets, twitter campaigns, call in days, and educational workshops.

In 2015, we sponsored a monthly National Call In Day to President Obama.  Each month, a guest endorser lent their name and support to the National Call In Day.  Former Political Prisoners Rafael Cancel Miranda and Ricardo Jimenez were two of our endorsers.

The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign is asking our friends, allies, and supporters to join us on Sunday May 29th, the 35th anniversary of the arrest of Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, as we support the 35 Mujeres NYC por Oscar rally at the Loisaida Festival!

Join us for an afternoon of solidarity, education, mobilization, and fun!  
We will be distributing literature, talking about Oscar, and BUILDING A PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT FOR HIS LIBERATION!  

Also, the food, dancing, and music is going to be amazing!


The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign
Telephone: 718-601-4751  

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