Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta

Can we afford to wait to learn the truth?

Live Mississippi History Lesson - - Saturday, August 28, 2010 - Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta (SP2MD). For caravan details call Brotha Lukata at 601.957.2969

Emmett Till was murder on August 28, 1955; Medgar Evers was assassinated on June 12, 1963; Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 and Fannie Lou Hamer died March 14, 1977. But if you ask African American youth how these individuals are connected and how their lives affects their own lives very very few could make the connection. Even more tragic is the idea that most African American youth, and too many adults, are not interested in the connection and many do not know how to research the information in order to make the connection.

Fortunately for African American youth, and adults, in Mississippi in particular, Kuumba Promos has taken it upon itself to provide them with a link between Mississippi History and Mississippi’s future. By making a connection between Mississippi’s "history" and today’s youth, Kuumba Promos, along with Jackson-MS N’COBRA and Mississippians For Reparations, is guiding people through a corridor that directs them to a "New & Improved Mississippi" for tomorrow.

By taking people twice annually on a Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi (SP2MD) Kuumba Promos is making sure that the ugly pages of American history are used as motivation for people to improve the quality of life for today’s and future’s citizens. According the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "Many of the ugly pages of American history have been obscured and forgotten...America owes a debt of justice which it has only begun to pay. If it loses the will to finish or slackens in its determination, history will recall its crimes and the country that would be great will lack the most indispensable element of greatness–justice." Without the SP2MD, African Americans, especially the youth, are not able to make the personal connection between history’s memories and their future.

Malcolm X asserted that "History is a people’s memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals." The SP2MDs ensures that our memories are clear and accurate. They also help us feel in our hearts the memories of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, A. J. Oakes and so many others who helped shape who we are as Afrikans in america. The SP2MDs verifies for all caravaners the importance of hands-on acquisition of Ourstory because for our children the truth cannot wait.

With stops at - - the Medgar Evers Home/ Museum; the Republic of New Afrikan Headquarters (both in Jackson); the Oakes African American Museum (Yazoo City); the gravesite of Fannie Lou Hamer (Ruleville); the site where Emmett Louis was tortured and the Emmett Till Historic Intrepid Center (Glendora) and the Store (Money) where the Emmett Till sage began the Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta touches the heart and memories of all who caravan with us. At the same time, the caravaners get to touch history for a lasting impression and stimulating impulse to correct the elements of injustice that impede america’s claim to true greatness - - fair and equitable justice.

The next SP2MD Car Caravan will be Saturday, August 28, 2010, with the caravan gathering on the Livingston Road side of the Jackson Medical Mall, 350 West Woodrow Wilson Avenue, at 7:30 am. We expect the return to the Medical Mall at 8:30pm. Families and individuals interested in more details about the Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta should call Brotha Lukata at 601.957.2969 because we cannot afford to wait to learn the truth.

Aki [Brotha] Lukata
Jackson-MS Chapter of N'COBRA
African People
"Pulling Together to Repair Ourselves"

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  • The next SP2MD Car Caravan will be Saturday, August 28, 2010, with the caravan gathering on the Livingston Road side of the Jackson Medical Mall, 350 West Woodrow Wilson Avenue, at 7:30 am. We expect the return to the Medical Mall at 8:30pm. Families and individuals interested in more details about the Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta should call Brotha Lukata at 601.957.2969

    Jackson-MS Chapter of N'COBRA
    African People
    "Pulling Together to Repair Ourselves"
  • South
    Where it is true that many African children as well as adults are remiss when it comes to sharing and knowing the information about our story, it is also clear that in order to assure that our legacies are passed on, we must also return to other OLE SKOOL activities..LIKE HOMESCHOOLING.

    i mention this due to the fact that what the current and past administrations has done,have failed to do and will never do when it comes to public education ..Exactly nothing. YES! Pres "Harvard grad, Forgot he was an African Obama" has inherited the bushwacking amerikkka is exp due to the rip and run behaviours of the previous adm. However. so what?
    Suffice that, the POTUS has what is called executive priviledge and like his former predessessor can use it at will, to ram through any prog at will ..OH u say no? and i ask why?

    Now, that it is cafe time and i am ready to roll..

    i am stillMilagrosGarciaVillamil
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