The Black Holocaust Conference was heavily promoted by The Harambee Radio & Television Network. We implored people to get behind this event.
10 Harambee team members attended this conference to help support the cause.

We have to officially withdraw our support of this event and apologize for our part in it.
It was the worst planned event in the history of Black people.
This was the Katrina of the so- called conscious community.
The only thing missing was the flood water.
A massive white owned and operated hotel with a long list of ready for revolution
Brothers and Sisters waiting on directions and schedules all weekend.
There were over 1000 questions and no answers available to anyone attending.
No one top to bottom could answer one single solitary question about anything.
It was one of the very few times in my life I was embarrassed to be Black.
It was without a doubt the worst hosting job I have ever seen in my entire life.

You, Black family have heard me tell the truth in my reporting for many years.
I am pained beyond my own imagination that we can in this late hour put on an event this bad and say we are leading the revolution.

I am now suggesting that we real revolutionaries start to Boycott these events
that only lined the pockets of our enemies.

The revolution can't start and stop at the mercy of The White Man.
We seek freedom but voluntarily go to white owned places to have our dignity
taken away by them at will.



I hope anyone attending this conference could see our self hatred at work
in allowing these crackers the privilege of controlling and practically shutting
down the event. What were we doing there to begin with? The white man does what the white man does. I did not go to Atlanta to sit around and talk about what the white man does when we can't seem to stop crawling up his azz every time we get a chance.
The vendors paid a lot of money that should be returned. 100.00 a day is a lot of money for most of the people I talked to. There is a problem when the vendors
 practically out number the attendees.  I am very proud that many of the people
who live in Atlanta decided to stay home. Obviously they knew something we did not.

Harambee has already contacted the grass roots people in Atlanta to discuss this
tragedy taking place with the minds of our people. My life has been spent getting things done for the uplift of my people. I refuse to back up and accept what
I saw this weekend in Atlanta. We have for a long had to deal with third class treatment from whites. I for the first time ever had to see this happen to me and many others. I will stand back and watch no longer. I am sickened by our nature of making excuses about every single thing. My policy about Harambee has always been NO EXCUSES. Until the rest of us come out of the coma of ready made white man excuses for everything we are destined to repeat the holocaust.

I am asking Eric Ture Muhammad  and anyone else connected to this event to
look in the mirror. Your event, your hospitality, your disrespect for The Harambee
Family and all the people there demands an answer. Don't say it was the white man because you went the them on your own. Please don't lead our people down this self destructive road to a non revolutionary conclusion.

You can't talk "Ready For Revolution" when your are having a love affair with white people. This event will be used forever to teach why we are still enslaved.
Tune in to Harambee to more about what went wrong in Atlanta.

Dalani Aamon

Reposted from BlackWorldEvents as posted by Harmabee Radio



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  • The FinalCall
    Black holocaust conference remembers past, charts lessons for future
    ATLANTA ( - There is a saying that the ancestors of Blacks brought to the Western Hemisphere didn't come here on the Nina, the Pinta, or the Santa Maria, the famous ships of explorer Christopher Columbus, but as cargo shackled and chained in the hulls of ships during the trans-Atlantic slave trade....more
    Black holocaust conference remembers past, charts lessons for future
  • NYMetro
    First mistake-
    All proactive revolutionaries should have boycotted the event
    beforehand. As soon as folks saw the hotel accomodations,
    people should have bowed out, called Eric and demanded a new location.
    Frankly, sounds a little silly complaining after the fact especially if folks
    PAID for a room at the Westin. Folks did none of that. They showed up thereby
    sanctioning the event, lock stock and Westin. Condemning Eric is counterproductive. Help him.
    Meet online, skype or hold teleconferences and send the hotel and travel $ to a national account.
    Invest in something with the $ collected. Buy a small country, buy an island, financially
    take over a city. Cash is King and many places are up for grabs! Get on the ball people! Sis. Iman of NY
  • Georgia
    I did interview Bro. Eric Ture after the conference concluded and he did state that he learned many things from this experience and that things would be better in the future. The interview will be posted on

    We truly need a Black Council of Elders that can settle our disputes in a diplomatic and majestic way.
    • NYMetro
      We have many trustworthy Councils of Elders. Any one of them can be notified. Do suggest an Elder Directory of sorts. With that said, Elders in our "hoods" are easy to find.
      We know how to communiciate without posting, emailing, etc. The power of the drum still
      exists. Word of mouth is also powerful and in effect. To name one council -Suggest you contact Sixth Region Diasora Caucus (SRDC) for Council of Elder guidelines and bodies. Respect. Sis. Iman of NY
  • Europe
    We are acting according to 'brands'.
    Whites have branded themselves trustworthy.

    ... and then some: Fair face, fair air...
    Huemans really are word programmable.

    I'm experiencing this story inside the family.
    Parents bought a house 'back home' in CapeVerde and were looking for a mason to enhance it. They refused every black owned bussynes till they found a 'cara de confianca'... a fair face! That man gave my folks 2 pages of calculations which my folks took as contract, and ran with the money to start a new busyness on a more prosperous (tourism) island.
    More over: frustrated with changing political climates and social structure going back to the 1950s, I've been begging them almost to let me have a try on a career/life over there. They refuse me. 'You will trash the house'. They haven't even noticed I got some diploma's when I was living at home, let alone the 20 years of work of which the last 8 in ICT. I'm a negro, you know. Not born to become somebody.
    'Depressed' is not the word. 'Angry' neither. But I'm close to wish extinction comes before total madness (especially in the eyes of the sons and daughters of the perpetrators!) because of the PAIN. THAT is what this is called.

    We want to brand ourselves with quality and even fail in the core of nation building by skipping self lacking self esteem.

    I started to read the bible to scare Jehova's witness away. I grew up in catholicism. You may have noticed by the examples above, those days were a trip on my folks schizophrenic self hate roller coaster. So the Doobey Brothers where 'just a friend of me'. Didn't care about their words.
    But, yo.
    Isn't everything starting to look like the book(s) is talking about us the more every day?!?
    "Are ye not gods"... and arn't we turning away?

    "Word is bond, like covenant."
    What if G*ds plan, the living word... us ebonics, kriolu, krenglish, papiamentu etc. speaking people, is being ridged? We speak applying words 'as law'. Babylon (babble-on) has laws on words (SPELLing and grammar) that push us from our narrow path (I). Self.
    We're being disconnected from reality the more we get/got educated by means and ways of these ancient greco-latin spells disregarding our far more complete way of communicating.

    "What to do when G*d calls to morph-us?
    Pick up the phone-atic
    Speak neo-grammar

    "Ya know what I'm sayin?
    YaH knows what I'm saying
    You know what? I'm sane!

    Where are we? (me and my folks even came voluntarily... just prior to independence. Scared of black reign) What language do we speak? Who do we pay tax to? --> we're putting our money where somebody else's mouth is, for X's sake!

    Nowadays WE are perpetrators. Purpose traitor.
    The choice is getting clearer by the day: A- To africa to police it in other people's uniform
    (yesterday a dutch delegation of the govern-ment was shaking Obama's hand over this issue. Afganistan was mentioned, but I don't trust none of them)
    or B- To Africa to populate it uniformly. Exodus has become X-or-dust.

    Price: 5 talents / Unit-E
    Reward: 20 talents / E-turn-a-T"

    "Come by YaH"
    • South
      this reminds me of our " Black Motorcycle " people wanting to sue Myrtle Beach S.C. To make them take our money and disrespect us. Willy Lynch , post pardum slave syndrome , Stockholm syndrom etc. Yt"s ice is colder .
      We got to go to our " Magic Science"s " .Don"t be skerd .
    • Europe
      I can imagine the organizing few where impressing the generation prior to them... unther their pressure.

      "I can only understand my people"
  • Africa
    Will someone be writing a summary about the entire conference? Maybe there can be a report written that the organizers and attendees can use to avoid future mistakes...
    • Georgia
      @opio sokoni:
      You've made an excellent suggestion that, in the spirit of Neely Fuller, 'minimizes the conflict'.
      I met a sister at the conference who is an event planner and who intends to offer her assistance with the organization of future events.
    • Africa
      Thanks... That is great that the sister would step up this way...
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