
NWBCCC is doing action against the Weeden Foundation, one of the anti-immigration organizations behind SB1070.
The Weeden Foundation is an "environmental" group that blames immigrants for the ecological crisis. 

 Weeden gives money to FAIR who wrote SB1070 law in Arizona.

Weeden also funds many other anti-immigrant groups, especially in California that are about Zero Population control/Malthusian ideas, which is very connected to the Eugenicist Movement.  Find below  some links on Weeden and other anti-immigrant groups/movements such as Californians for Population Stabilization (the ones behind Anchor Baby initiative).

Check out these videos on the greening of Hate that Weeden is behind of:

Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) 
video blaming immigrants for taken away jobs from americans

Anchor Babies, Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment

The Weeden Foundation blames immigrants for the 
environmental crisis and supports the Arizona law –SB1070! 

Come to protest the attacks on immigrants!

No to Racism!  No to Deportations! 



747 THIRD AVE  & 47 ST

Take 4,5,6,7 train to 42 St- Grand Central

Stop the Planting of Racist Weeds to Attack immigrants! 

Meeting Point @ 12.30 pm

NWBCCC Office: 103 East 196 Street

Some links on Weeden and the Anti-Immigration Movement

Center for Immigrant Studies

Don Weeden is the Executive Director of the Weeden Foundation and veteran of a nearly 25-year career in the international population and economic development field, serving in various field and management positions for Columbia University, International Planned Parenthood Federation, and others.

Video featuring Weeden amongs others, Weeden starts speaking around minute 18:

Immigration, Population, and the Environment: Experts to Debate Impact of Current Policies
By Steven A. Camarota, Philip Cafaro, Don Weeden, Bryan Griffith, Andrew Light 

The Pioneer Foundation (Advocate of Eugenics) gave money to build FAIR:

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) ~  
FAIR credits itself for writing AZ SB 1070 Law
“FAIR seeks to improve border security, to stop illegal immigration, and to promote immigration levels consistent with the national interest.”

John Tanton, Founder of BOD member of FAIR
“Dr. Tanton is the original founder of FAIR. He became interested in immigration to the United States through his long-standing concerns about the effects of unplanned and uncontrolled population growth and resource depletion. He was the national President of Zero Population Growth from 1975 to 1977 and was Chairman of its Immigration Study Committee from 1973 to 1975. He was organizer and President of the Northern Michigan Planned Parenthood chapter. From 1971 to 1975, Dr. Tanton served as Chairman of the Sierra Club National Population Committee. He is currently editor and publisher of The Social Contract, a quarterly public policy journal. 

The Social Contract- Founded by Tanton 
Quarterly journal that publishes on the topics of immigration, population, conservation, and preservation of American culture.

Senator Russell Pearce's Ties to Anti Immigration Group FAIR 
Senator Pearce was caught hugging an actual Neo- Nazi!!- Please watch this video:

The Puppeteer: The organized anti-immigration 'movement,' increasingly in bed with racist hate groups, is dominated by one man, John Tanton.
article by: Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, Summer 2002
“John Tanton can claim without exaggeration that he is the founding father of America's modern anti-immigration movement. He serves on the board of the group with the largest membership, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which he founded 23 years ago.”

Immigration Law Reform Institute (Legal arm of FAIR) - 
Koback is one of the A.G. lawyers: “Of Counsel Kris. W. Kobach is IRLI's national expert on constitutional law. During 2001-2003, he served as counsel to U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. He was the attorney general's chief advisor on immigration law.”

The Man Behind Arizona’s Immigration Law- On Kansas Senator Koback

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