The First Rasta, The Movie, now available.

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10 years after his book THE FIRST RASTA, journalist Helen Lee leaves for Jamaica, handheld camera, in the footsteps of Leonard Percival Howell, initiator and catalyst of the Rastafari Movement, considered by some as its founder. Between archive footage and meetings with those who knew him and crossed, Helen Lee directed a documentary strong, exciting and touching on the fascinating life and personality of the FIRST RASTA. Although conventional clichés and stereotypes, Helen Lee invited to discover a prominent figure of the Rastafarian movement and unavoidable long obscured. A man who, beyond the founding of the first Rastafarian community of Pinnacle, laid the foundation for thinking global justice ... 'The First Rasta' movie will be out on the April 27th on French screens. The DVD is planned for the fall, include, in addition to an English version (audio and subtitles), an extensive bonus of original Rasta music and an interview with Hélène Lee.

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