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black.wallstreet.documentary-(part1 - google videoA documentary on the hidden horror committed to Israelite (blacks) in Tulsa, Oklahoma by the racist Amerikkka.part 2

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  • Thank You Mike as always for your feedback, I agree the one constant in life is change, somehow we must gather our courage to face what is on the horizon, but many people have now been blinded by a false progress, the Obama Deception has put most of our people to sleep,

    " And he shall deceive the whole world" There are forces operating behind the scences that are
    mvoing to reduce the worlds population by billions there is an article at "" documenting that 1 billion people on the planet are now at risk of starvation, we have been made tio believe in fairly tales through false education, lies and popular culture. For those who want to be a part of stopping the colllapse now in progress of civilization, I know those are strong words, unfortuantely this process started 18 months ago and not many are willing to get educated and into to action to be a part of turning the tide, We must put our egos aside long enough to listen and then decide, where we each stand. We are in a dangerous time on this planet.

    For a clear word on what is really taking place, for information you won't get on the Tel-Lie-Vision:

    WARNING: It's not for the faint of heart! (International webcast to be archived June 27th, 2009)

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