Why Is Revolution Books in Harlem Important?


Hello Friends

Revolution Books in New York City needs $30,000 this summer, and I’m calling on you to join me in giving.  The store is on a mission to "make a real revolution and its leadership known, engaged, and debated throughout society—as this country fractures."  See more here.

You may have given before to the Revolution Books fund drives.  I encourage you to do it again and/or help get the word out and encourage others to join this important drive.

What’s so important about Revolution Books NYC?  As our world reveals its deeply fraught landscape there can be a lot of confusion, disorientation and demoralization coupled with the morbid sense of casting fate to the wind...

But there is another side to this equation.  Contrasted against this horror movie is a brighter future this bookstore represents and works to bring forth sights for a better future that is truly attainable.   

Revolution Books’ core mission is informed by the work of Bob Avakian. Today I am devoting much more time to ensure that Revolution Books thrives as a center for the intellectual, political, and cultural beacon to Put Revolution on The Map! 

A primary care physician has thrown down and opened a prism with his $2,000 challenge in support of the $30,000 fund drive.  He/she says:  “Revolution Books is more than an independent bookstore and community institution.” 

That’s right. It is a beacon that serves as the political, cultural and intellectual center for a Movement for Revolution.  The store is on a mission to "make a real revolution and its leadership known, engaged, and debated throughout society—as this country fractures." This year, it is working to Put Revolution On the Map!  See more here.

 Dive into the much-needed discussion and debate over the biggest questions confronting humanity, and the revolutionary way out of the madness. By supporting RB, you have a chance to be part of fighting for a truly emancipating future. DONATE NOW: $10, $50, $100, $250, $1000, as much as you can...

Revolution Books not only need to survive, it needs to THRIVE!

-- Steve Yip | yipzzz@gmail.com

* I invite you to donate to my compaign for Revolution Books here.

You can also donate to RB's Fund Drive via:

* Venmo @revbooksnyc | CashApp $revbooksnyc |  Paypal.me/revbooksnyc

* For tax-deductible gift go to: https://revbooksedfund.org

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