Who is the common enemy?

From a Moor of Native American and African ancestry I'd like all the world's peoples of color to consider my words:

-Who has been at war somewhere with somebody its entire history?  In the entire history of thewhite race try to find a 10 year period where they were not at war somewherewith somebody…you cannot.

-Who created AIDS?

-Who gave opium to China?

-Who gave SARS to the Chinese?

-Who colonized India, all of SE Asia, all of South America…the entire world at one point or another-sowing destruction ofindigenous cultures and misery with everyone they came in contact with?

-Who unnecessarily dropped the atomic bomb on Japan?

-Who flooded the American inner cities with crack? And then made a huge profit all the while incarcerating millions and all but destroyingand hope for progress within the black community?

-Why are only caucasions loathe to becoming too excited spiritually? (Because lacking a crown chakra the kundalini energy has nowhereto go and they run the risk of spontaneous combustion).

-Who repaid the Tiano and Nauset  by murdering, raping, and attempting to enslave those who extended hospitality to Columbus and the pilgrims?

-Who has been ceaselessly  and consistently rapacious in its dealings with with all indigenous peoples?

-Who continues at this very hour to not honor treaties made with the Apache, Navaho,ect…, black farmers in America and Africans in southernAfrica?

-Have the Chinese ever invaded Africa? No they were invited by heads of African states to form a relationship based on mutual needs.

-Who will endlessly attempt the old divide and conquer routine and try to drive a wedge between African and Chinese collaboration for mutual benefit?

-Did the Japanese, Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese  ever invade any country outside of Asia? No.

-Did Africa ever invade South America? No. The ancient Olmec and Kemetic empires collaborated with the Maya and other indigenous peoples ofAxemum in a symbiotic relationship based on mutual respect.

-Did the Moors of Africa ever invade Europe? Yes. The purpose was to civilize the barbarous Europeans(by establishing  17 universities in Spain while the rest of Europehad 2)and pave the way for the Renaissance.

-Did the Moors have a positive effect and key role with advancing European civilization? Yes.

-Who continues to dismiss, marginalize and ignore the historical horror of chattel slavery and refuse to even consider reparationsfor the theft of land culture and the murders  of hundreds of millions of blacks and NativeAmericans throughout North and South America?

-Who insanely continues to befoul the air and water(and unfortunately has many people of color acting likewise)without a thought of thedamage being wrought to our environment?…..DO YOU SEE A COMMON PATTERN HERE?





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  • DMV
    It's a bit involved so I'll attempt to be concise...
    1. the human body contains 7 spiritual energy centers or chakras a person becomes energized emotionally or spiritually energized the spiritual/auric energy increases; the crown chakra is located a few inches to a couple of feet above a person's head; after the preceding 6 energy chakras become sufficiently energized in a person(who has melanin with a healthy,full pineal gland)by love generated energy a sudden blast of kundalini energy can break the bonds of the physical 3rd dimensional realm and the individual will become
    one with the spiritual realm-becoming one with the higher dimensional realms...from our perspective becoming a god like being.

    3. because the large majority of caucasions(and a smaller number of blacks and asians)do not have fully developed pineal glands, once the 6th chakra has been activated the intense release of the kundalini energy must be released through the crown chakra otherwise the individual will catch fire from not having a 'release valve' for all that pent-up energy.

    Google lectures by Bobby Hemmitt or Dr. Phil Valentine or Dr. Delbert Blair-the masters of metaphyscis in the english speaking world...they're the experts and the ones who can explain this phenomenon much better than me.
  • Caricom
    Greetings hotepk,

    Please clarify your following statement for me: (Because lacking a crown chakra the kundalini energy has nowhere to go and they run the risk of spontaneous combustion).

    Asante sana!

    Nana Peggy
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