(the following is a revision of the annual sharing i do about the Spring Equinox)


By H. Khalif Khalifah in Southampton County, Virginia
First published in 2009 [updated on March 3, 2010]

As I prepare for the arrival of the Spring Equinox [proper name is Vernal Equinox] I am sharing my approach with my family, friends, colleagues and associates; even as I am in intense planning for the Black Elders Conference [ and the Nation Building Expedition from LIB (click GROUPS, then Southeastern Region).
       For many years, on the eve of the Spring Equinox,  I have shared  my personal preparation to receive the “Special Something” because of certain things that are going on in the COSMOS.

         These ‘goings on,’ have awakened and brought me to this place in time as a healthy, Blackman “striving to make my maximum contribution to the total uplift, total freedom of Black people – those at home and those abroad!”

        I am conscious that the Special Something that visits the earth during the Spring Equinox - causing seeds in the ground and buds on the trees, etc. to burst forth, bloom and mature in the warmth of the sun during the Summer Solstice; ripen, harvested in the Autumn Equinox to serve the Purpose for harvesting; but will distill some of the essence (seeds) for preservation in the Winter Solstice They will be ready to repeat the cycle of life again for the countless time in2011 Spring Equinox: All because of the “Special Something that Spring Surely Brings.”
         Being aware of the above, I prepare my Physical Body to receive the essence that comes whether I am prepared or not: for that Special Something will act on the body, or earth upon which it visits without a thought or care of its condition of preparedness – and all will be utilized and cycled to serve the Purpose of the recipient whether the physical body or soil/earth is aware of its purpose of not.

        There is a great power in KNOWING your

LIFE PURPOSE. When you have a degree of UNDERSTANDING of the KNOWING, you will receive WISDOM to act on what you know to the same degree. I do have a certain degree of understanding about my own Life Purpose, as well as the Special Something. And that is why I do what I do in preparing for the Spring Equinox.
        I also have a degree of Understanding about the Force that bestowed the Special Something in the First Place. My understanding of the Primal Force is the source for my rhythm harmony and peace in life.

         For those who are conscious of the fact that the unity in my Purpose is at the Hour of Eight, thank you for the thoughts I have received from you over the years – especially the sincere thoughts that have been in a form, to the degree that I used wisely. I Am wiser, stronger and more committed because of the thoughts of you all – and of course, I am ever thankful for those who are constantly coming into my experience at all time – WELCOME!
         My priorities are still the same as they were when I published my first book: “Real African American History.” I said back in 1975 that great things in life are accomplished when you work within the rhythm and harmony of the Creation: “there is a certain order that we follow: when we are taking care of our Duties and Responsibilities as Human Beings, First you take care of Self, Self takes care of Family, then of your Race, Then of the Human Race, when you successfully take care of one, it enhances your ability to take care of the other…” some of the words are paraphrased, but the meaning is the same as in the book.
          I Am carefully preparing my Physical Body by being especially careful of what I Eat or Drink – Pure Water – the preferred water is distilled. But I use a definite amount of Spring Water, some from my Artesian Well, because the minerals and everything else possible, have been “distilled” from distilled water.
         Food that is based on the best foods identified to us by The Messenger of Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad; and, as an Elder past three score years, in the past year, I have made it a point to include eating raw food regularly – when illness of any sort visits my body I have contributed the most to the healing process of self by dieting 1 or 2 days on nothing but raw food – and being super careful of what I consume when I eat cooked food again. As I approached the Spring Equinox, starting in February, I made it a point to eat only raw food at the least 1 day per week.
       I am thankful to be conscious of the fact that just as physical food is necessary for a healthy Physical Body. Spiritual Food is extremely necessary for a healthy Spiritual Body.
          My major meal for spiritual food is ‘consumed’ at the Power Hour of Eight a.m. That is one of the prime reasons why I meditate at the hour of eight.
         When I am not conscious of 8 a.m., it impacts my rhythm and sense of well being to the same kind of degree I Am when NOT eating physical food impacts my physical body. But as we can remedy the feeling of hunger by eating physical food, I can remedy the hunger of my Spiritual Being by consuming some spiritual food. This is possible because of the Master Attribute of the Spiritual Body, THOUGHT.

        I am on my farm. The earth is being prepared when possible [dirt has already been poured into some of the boxes for our Natural Food Garden]. At the first day that the earth is dry enough, I shall have the field plowed up and fertilized, dissed up and seeds planted to receive that Special Something that I have also prepared my body to receive. Hopefully I Am more successful in 2009 than I was in 2008 – and 2008 was a wonderful year.

2009 was also a wonderful year: physical seeds planted in 2009 yield crops commensurate to the preparation and planting during last Spring Equinox. Spiritual Food planted in 2009 is bringing into manifestation two Dramatic Events. The Events are: 1) A Visitation of a delegation from the LIB “De-Urbanization Plan,” Southeastern Regional Ujima Group. They will first Secure The Land; then lay the groundwork to establish one of the first Kujichalia Villages, one of the remarkable visions of Baba Master Keidi Awadu, the founder of

The second event that is to occur on the weekend of the Spring Equinox, on The Land, is the National Conference of Black Nationalist Elders . This conference is to confer with Black Elders (not just Black Nationalist) to build and shape a institution of systems to “gather, preserve and disseminate the essence of the lifestyles that the Elders used to attain to Eldership.”
Thank you.





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