
The mythological teachings of race define us all, but in my opinion this neatly packaged, color-coded system strips us of our divine nature. It has taken on a life of its own, and thinks through us. Racial classification forms the social lens through which we view the world and place value upon human life. Among all the ways we could identify ourselves, we consistently—if often unconsciously—include our supposed race or ethnicity.


 I can not imagine anyone saying that they have chosen these labels for themselves. If anyone were to look in the mirror and honestly describe themself, they would no doubt find a description absent of the words black or white.Are we our colors or our own unique self? It becomes imperative that we ask ourselves these questions, in view of our current state of humanity, because nothing short of a massive change in thinking will invite a return to our natural state of human being, and allow the natural course of human evolution.

Such a universal paradigmatic shift is seeking to align us with the unified field of humanity and with the laws of the universe on which the world was founded. In terms of Einstein’s theory that energy is the equivalent of mass (E=MC2), we are the mass (social mass consciousness), and where we place our energy in our society is where that will be. If we build a society based upon separation then that is the world we will have, and if build it upon hatred then that too is the world we will live in. But know this: because we are going against the natural design of the universe then we should expect nothing other than unnatural results and imbalance. If we count ourselves as members of society truly seeking to end the scourge of racism, then we should remove the invisible ladder called race, and racism must fall.

I believe I have hit on our core issue. Given the manner in which we have been socially classified through the illusion of race, gender, class, ethnicity, culture, or radicalized experiences, the wise man’s words have becomes prophetic. "As a man thinks, so he will become;" and we have become our fictional race. We think through this optical illusion about who we must be. This thinking reinforces so much of our lives: how we must act, who we must love, what we must say, where we must live, and why we must think as we do.

Once we acquire this indoctrination, especially as young children, we do not devote much time to questioning it. At this point, the innocent mind dies. The mind that did not know fear of other people based upon skin color, now accepts it as a part of life. The person who loved everything and everyone is now corrupted to love only those who look like himself. His mind no longer embraces all possibilities and sees all possibilities. After one becomes branded, so to speak, his true self becomes lost, and one learns to operate within obvious boundaries and deal with “common sense.” Life is not only three-dimensional, but it also becomes self-evident. Rather than strike out into the world embracing true freedom, we embrace the madness of mainstream conformism, avoiding the uncommon sense of our true mind. We live constricted lives in a lonely place, devoid of world citizenship. The expert’s have no need of new answers, because we have learned to never ask new, critical questions.

In this book I ask those critical questions,I question the need for a racial classification system and challenge the “expert” knowledge about what race and its classification system really mean and whether we need a color-coded identification system at all in order to operate in this world. In making this argument, I deny a white or black supremacist solution, but rather embrace a pre-race consciousness mentality which quite simply would entail no race at all, from which other behavior or experiences might originate.


 I take the position that all people must move beyond behaviors or experiences that reinforce the power of race consciousness, since the collective grouping by race only breeds contempt for individuality when a single individual’s behavior is assumed to be the burden of the whole made-up labeled group, instead of the single person.


Then judgment and guilt by association is rendered upon the collective group, and not by a case-by-case basis.
The ways of the past have lead to our present situation. Poverty levels among people of color have only increased since the civil rights movement lead by Dr Martin Luther King. The growing number of young men of color incarcerated are disproportionate, literacy rates continue to lag behind, and death and disease levels are unparalleled. (It is also interesting to note that new arrivals from Africa to America today cannot be counted into these statistics.) To move in this same direction is to continue a failed system, preventing true equality and self-empowerment.

Einstein said, ”A problem cannot be solved by the same mind that created it.”
The solution of race in its complete history has never been considered from a pre-race mentality. This book marks a historic turning point. The subject of race in the past has only been viewed from a post-racial defensive position; I am in favor of doing away with that, so that all people can be free to know themselves again. In so doing, I risk being labeled as a madman and am prepared for professional ridicule. I know change comes at a price.


 But I summon your eyes to see rightly the social construct of race in all of its subjective glory.
When a person from America dies on the battle field in wars it said, ”This many Americans died today;” and when an American wins a medal in the Olympics its said the American won the medal. But when an education, a job opportunity, or the national census is prepared, they want to know what color the American is.


 This is what my eyes see. The scourge that claimed 50 million innocent souls to slavery and claimed 620,000 human lives in the Civil War that arose to end it, all because of a mad science called race. Hitler rose to power and from his racial superiority crusade 70 million lives were lost In World War II, and a mixed assortment of Jews and other groups of color were incinerated in ovens--over six million in total. And my question remains: what is to prevent this from happening again and why are we still using such a doctrine today?

I believe our current color -coded system hinders, if not destroys, us all, regardless of what color we allow ourselves to be painted. We cannot liberate ourselves by using race because, by its inner logic, we know that God said, Let us make man in our image. However when we add the prefix of white or black man, do we not at the same time change the meaning of man himself?


 In terms of presumed status and social positioning, will not one always remain superior and the other inferior? Does this not explain across the board the equalities that currently exist? I cannot imagine blaming white racism for the totality of such experiences or black supremacy for prolonging the saga, for as long as we as a so-called civilized society continue to invite separation, that is what we will have.

Such blaming only mirrors the original dysfunction of the social construct. I think individuals, especially those who rely heavily on race consciousness, actively participate in creating their own oppressive experiences. Whatever we battle against is what we become a part of. The moral philosopher Adam Smith said the best system is the one that works for the group as well as the individual members. Race is subjective, in that it only works for some groups, and privilege and subordination can not co-exist and call themselves a whole. Those made weak will become a burden to those claiming superiority, and the two will consume  themselves.


I make this simple point because the ancient Egyptians—our founding fathers from Africa, the mother of us all and the cradle of civilization—did not think in these terms. Please feel free to judge this book by its cover, which simply depicts how the ancient Egyptians viewed themselves 2800 years ago: they embraced diversity.


For almost 3000 years, the whole distinction between black and white Egyptians was non-existent. Such cultural baggage came from our own society, which we imposed artificially on ancient Egyptian society. The ancient Egyptians, like their modern descendants, were of varying complexions of color, from the light Mediterranean type (like Nefertiti), to the light brown of Middle Egypt, to the darker brown of Upper Egypt, to the darkest shade around Aswan and the First Cataract region, where even today, the population shifts to Nubian.

Ancient and modern Egyptian hair ranges from straight to wavy to woolly; in color, it varies from reddish brown to dark brown to black. Lips range from thin to full. Many Egyptians possess a protrusive jaw. Noses vary from high-bridged—straight to arched or even hooked—to flat-bridged, with bulbous to broad nostrils. In short, ancient Egypt, like modern Egypt, consisted of a very heterogeneous population.

The racial label of “black” people was forcibly given to people of color, where in Africa they were identified by tribe or village,But upon being taken from their home land they were forced to accept the title black,Which was part of   a engineered brain washing campaign designed to de-humanize them . . Historian Howard Zinn notes in A People’s History of the United States, ”It’s noted that before Afrikaans were stamped literally and symbolically by the word black, black to the Stewarts of that time meant death, deadly, sinister, malignant or dark and foul.


 “ Many religious leaders like Malcolm X changed their names because they felt that their birth name was a slave name given to their forefathers during slavery. By this same logic, isn’t being called black in itself a slave name which our pre-race period ancestors never knew or endorsed? Should the color of flesh really matter? Does not the sprit that operates the body makes us who we are? Are we simply our containers, or what is inside of us?

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  • South
    Beloved I share what I am about to share here not to be in total opposition to what you have shared with us but maybe as an added thought about the subject you speak about here, therefore I must share that it is to the unthoughtful that label Race as a mystery and such to be taken to be false, which imply to those of us who have no Divine knowledge concerning mythicism and its Divine implication..

    Any Time I see or hear of Black people honoring White Authority as if they are our god and that they know everything about us Black people, then I know that they are Black people who are not to be respected, followed, or to be trusted, this is not to imply that this is what you have done, beloved..

    We are Divine Beings with an abundance of melanin that give us a very strong pigment-shade that is More relative to the Infinite Space without an illuminated glare, which we refer to as Light, and the opposite to Light we refer to as Darkness= Black, and the Divine Beings have the pigment that is referred to as Black, which have us to be a distinct Race from someone with a pigment that is not of the same shade, causing those people to be of a different racial phenotype than we black people are.

    Who is Webster that we should impose so much power to, and recognize that he is the one that we must adhere to, regarding words and their definition?

    Words and their term of Definition have meaning because someone assign meaning to them, but that does not say that such meaning must and is to apply as if God has submitted a glossary of Defined Words.

    If I am not to determine what and how I am to describe my phenotype, then who shall for me, certainly not Lucifer the oppressor Himself.

    So I consider it to be socially and self damaging to Black Children to attempt to teach them that they are not of a specific Race of Black people, while we are in the very environment that assigned such a scripted term to identify us, a term we once despised until we decided to Define the word Black to mean something different from what Lucifer had intended it to mean to us Race of Black People.

    Our pigment is the likeness of that of the Eternal Infinite universe, an appearance that Lucifer had no say as to how the Infinite Space without light, would and do appear in its domain.

    So however the Divine Eternal Infinite Universe is described, so be it the way we Black Race of people are to described ourselves, and is how we term ourselves to be, and so far, that Divine Infinite Universal Space, is full of what is accepted to be the Race of infinite Universal Darkness, the Blackness of night, which is what we are, and is related to, by mere fact of our pigment, a shade of a Race no other Being can make claim to be.

    It is our Black Race of people, which is what have us to be so unique and to be truly the Children of the Divine Essence, the Divine Eternal Infinite Space Darkness, the Holy Sacredness of Blackness, the Energy Intelligence, which cause all things To Be, including Light, which is not equal to Darkness, but is because of Blackness, the light is what it is.

    Race reference a difference of the specie, each having a nocitable different and variation in the phenotype of the Specie, in term of their grouping distinction, so as for as I am concerned, Race in the way I perceive race to mean, there is nothing false about it, when using Mysticism to mean falsehood.

    I respect your presentation and do not attempt to pass judgement , just another prospective and allow Black people to observe the difference in thought concerning this issue of our Black Race.

    Can You Understand That, Beloved?.

    Divine Respect

    Chief Elder
    Author of the book, Divine Spirituality: Getting To Know The Real you
    • West
      Dear Brother ,

      I totall repect your thoughts and appreciate the spirit in which it was given,Ive been reseaching this subject for many years now and tried to reach honest conclusions,I know this concept is a bit much to wrap the brain around,Based upon the research in my new book,The earliest word insinuating separateness between variations of people based upon color is varna,used in the hindue cast system,(look up shudra and brahmans) many of their ancient art shows dark skin men washing the feet of light skinned men, This was the turning point from the diverse system used in africa,to a actual system given the name varna,which later became race,Race was started as a tool to separate and control people of color ,I am open to concider any Non Eugenics data as the use of pheno,type comes from a long list of erroneous doctrine called eugenics,What I have tried to show in my book was the corelation, between,So called black on black crime,,the majority of homocide are between people who phychologically have been made to feel inferior and not respect each other(Its a self genicide),Dear brother we have so much work to do,i RESPECT YOU AND HONOR YOUR WORK,

      Thanks again

    • West
      Dear Brother Osiris,

      I totall repect your thoughts and appreciate the spirit in which it was given,Based upon the research in my new book,The earliest word insinuating separateness between variations of people based upon color is varna,used in the hindue cast system,(look up shudra and brahmans) many of their ancient art shows dark skin men washing the feet of light skinned men, This was the turning point from the diverse system used in africa,to a actual system given the name varna,which later became race,Race was started as a tool to separate and control people of color ,I am open to concider any Non Eugenics data as the use of pheno,type comes from a long list of erroneous doctrine called eugenics,What I have tried to show in my book was the corelation, between,So called black on black crime,,the majority of homocide are between people who phychologically have been made to feel inferior and not respect each other,Dear brother we have so much work to do,i RESPECT YOU AND HONOR YOUR WORK,

      Thanks again


      I would be glad to .
  • DMV
    Unfortunately, I do not have the time to devote to the indepth absorpson of what you write about Color in your,obviously well thought out, far reaching and researched paper. However, i am taking a long weekend to my 2nd home in Charlotte where I'll study it well enough to, hopefully absorb it indepth.
    However, as they say, "with the above said," the one paragraph that i did absorb indepth states that "we gave ourselves" the color label. And you go on to imply that we were misguided to do so. Well Sir, the adoption of color classification was an attempt to replicate what we were created as. As Beautiful Black Original People, you may or may not believe that we MADE the other races/classification of Humans as i do, but i am of little doubt that you and i both can agree that we did not, meaning Black people, did not Create ourselves; and since all the evidence and documentation found so far, points to facts to support the view that the only people that were the ones Created of The Substance that was at the beginning was ["In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was The Creator]. That is the orgin of The Black Man. Mankind was then MADE out of what was created by The Creator, and that is elements from all entities that we see, touch, feel, smell, & etc........varieties of everything to an infinite degree, in duality, no less: so it was mankind who classied hmanity via color as a way to explain the varities of things within creation....probably for the best of reasons, such as also, the reason man found it necessary to make laws (replicas of the Universal Laws upon which the Creation itself is govern), but however the manmade laws are good and beneficial, they are but replicas: therefore imperfect - your point, maybe (since i haven't read your entire article)........one thing certain, until on kind-of-man came out of the hillsides of Europe, color certainly was not a consideration. But this character was "color struck" because he look so very different from othe species that he found. he was unique and called himself white. .......i'll fill in some of the dots in "Charlotte, but in short, he organized a doctrine around his uniqueness, fear and paranoic that the mass majority would eliliminate him...............later.........Khalifah
    • West
      But this character was "color struck" because he look so very different from othe species that he found. he was unique and called himself white. .......i'll fill in some of the dots in "Charlotte, but in short, he organized a doctrine around his uniqueness, fear and paranoic that the mass majority would eliliminate him...............later.........Khalifah

      Yes Khalifah,

      I agree

      This erroneous title of White man or pure ,honorable,clean ,angelic has given birth to the stronge opinions of intitlement,superiority, I call him not white,nor call us black,but call all spirit and pray that they act accordingly!
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