
make_wall_street_pay_400px.jpg -

This is a movement moment, and you can be there when history is made.

It's time to make Wall Street pay us back for the billions in taxes they've dodged and for the millions of homes and jobs lost when they crashed the economy.

NPA is gearing up for some major Wall Street and big bank actions around the country taking place over the next few weeks.

It's 1% vs. 99%, and with those odds it's time we took our democracy and economy back from the Wall Street bankers who stole it from us.

Donate $25 dollars today and we'll send you the same t-shirt (pictured below) that folks will be wearing on the ground as they take on big banks in the coming weeks.

On Wednesday, October 5th, at 4:30pm in New York City thousands of people will come together for what is shaping up to be a goose-bump inducing Community & Labor Solidarity March. The march starts at City Hall and moves to Zuccotti Park and the epicenter of Occupied Wall Street. For more information about the NY action, click here.

On Monday, October 10th at 4:00pm in Chicago, thousands of everyday people fed up with Wall Street will demand an end to ONE MILLION PENDING FORECLOSURES at the Mortgage Bankers Association Conference. For more information about Chicago, click here.

Not in New York or Chicago? Find an action near you >>

oct10_tshirt2.jpgSupport the actions in style!

Donate $25 dollars or more today and we'll send you the same t-shirt folks will be wearing on the ground (pictured left) as they take on Wall Street banks.

Get the latest information related to our Fall actions - Follow NPA on Twitter @streetactionNPA and Facebook.

Thanks for all that you do,

Amanda Devecka-Rinear
National People's Action (NPA)

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Showdown in America is a national bank accountability campaign coordinated by National People's Action - a Network of community power organizations from across the country that work to advance a national economic and racial justice agenda.

                                                         National People's Action

810 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60642
United States









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