Originally posted on www.DaPhunkeeProfessor.com
We pretty much knew how this was going to go when you consider the fact that the original murder was ignored by the press and law enforcement and it took social media and a public outcry to mobilize the police into action.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go when we saw the jury selection.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go when so much of the media referred to this as the "Trayvon Martin Trial" and only the toxicology report on him was admitted into court, with no discussion of the medications that Zimmerman was on at the time of the murder.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go because of the country we live in. It was a murder, and reams of otherwise decent people constructed reasons to believe in Zimmerman's innocence, simply because they didn't want to believe this could happen here.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go down after the Emmit Till murder.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go down 27 years
ago, when my mother was nervous about sending me to a racist city like
Boston to go to college.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go down when young Mr Martin defended himself, forgetting that hundreds of years of history has proven that in America it is illegal to defend yourself against a (legally) white person.
Trayvon Martin was the victim of two crimes: he was murdered in cold blood by George Zimmerman, and the prosecution murdered him again. They were sloppy, incompetent, and weak. Their law professors should be ashamed.
We pretty much knew how this was going to go, because if George Zimmerman was found guilty, it would have set a precedent that would have altered the course of race relations in this country forever.
A civil case needs to be filed.
A civil rights case needs to be filed.
We need to stop lying to our children about how much progress has been made in this society about race, class and the justice system.