By Norma Holt The roots of religion are covered and deeply buried in a wave of confusion, mystery, and magic. There are, however, revelations that will stun most and eventually may bring such institutions to an end. Their premise is based on the after-life and whether or not their people will have an eternity of great things or a fiery time in hell. This form of mind-control not only drives terrorism but it impacts on all societies.
My reincarnation and memory of being between lives with the Great Spirit of the Universe was the start of a life-time of observation and research into how and why people believe the lies. While brain-washing coupled with myths, deceit, mystery, and magic are the driving forces into such mind-bending behaviour the establishment supports it.
Religion is an evil force that man engages in due to promises about the prospect of happiness and great things after death. It is based on the Islamic religion of Babylon and every nation on earth is tainted with it.
As reincarnation is a fact (and religious leaders banned it some 2,000 or more years ago) it is proof that heaven and hell are a part of the hoax played out on the world. Easter is a large part of the charade and to discover its roots my journey took me back in time to the sun-worshipping societies of the past.
With a strong link to the Spirit many visions were given as part of the commission to reveal the truth about religious origins. One of those was of the sun-star created by light rays passing through a perforated obstacle held up for that purpose.
The glorious perpetually moving rainbow coloured rings are best seen at dawn when the right-angled cross shows up in the center. The circle and cross became sacred symbols that remain as part of sacred events in all areas. The Australian aboriginal iconography shows it etched into rocks from some 20,000 or more years ago.
It is also found in association with Egyptian and American Indian symbols and is etched into rocks in Africa and China. It was an indicator to the hills where the sun-star was observed.
The 'Eye-star' is the origin of Easter and at the time of the Equinox people poured to the hills to see it. It was stylised into a female image named 'Mary', which means 'mother's powerful eye'. Men who believed they could 'marry' Mary died on crosses at this time in the expectation that their spirit would rise to the heavens on the sun-beams.
The migrations to the 'ma-r-x' or 'mother's powerful cross' is the origin of 'march' for both the movement of people and the month in which the equinox occurs. The letter [x] and [ch] have the same meaning.
'She' is the 'eye-quin' or 'I-five' and this is the reason for the five-point star which is one of her symbols and for hand stencils of 5 fingers that appear throughout the ancient world.
Norma's research went back to Babylon to unearth the roots of religion and the identity of 666. It proves conclusively that heaven and hell are tricks designed to manipulate people into believing in his Islamic religion.
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I appreciate the information you provided; however, religion began in Africa not Babylon. The people in Babylon may have taken what they learned and shaped it for their reality. I really expected to read a summary on the linkage of Easter to the solar new year. Originally, Easter was about celebrating life - birth, being reborn - hence the resurrection mythology, the beginning of the cycle of life for nature (spring, summer, autumn, winter), and the significance of Easter eggs and rabbits (reproduction). There are many more details about how Easter was/is celebrated, but little of the darkness you describe. I suggest you delve deeper.