
Religious Quotes/Comments

THE NAKED TRUTH” (TNT) Video on You TubeABOUT RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITYI know no disease of the Soul but ignorance, a pernicious evil, the darkner of mans life, the disturber of his reason and common sense. Con-Founder of TNT with Derek Partridge, Jordan Maxwell, Bill Jenkins, Michael Chandler, founder of (IRES), International, research and Educational SocietyDiscussions:If all the Religions believe that they each have the Truth, and the other religions do not, they are all wrong.The finest secret device invented for applying religion to the purpose of making man stupid.The church is full of thieves, mercenaries and wolves.How the catholic church could be sue out of existence.Spiritual GrowthIt is not done by doing somethingIs is done by Being Something SpecialThere was Divine Spirituality before religion (Hon. John Henri Clark/Ancestors), among our people, Divine Truth/Reality. It is Divine Spirituality we must return to and BE, all else we do is Vain glory.---------------------------Spirituality, Religion and Metaphysics (553)http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/categories/2019163:Category:4492/listForCategoryOrganized Religion is an Evil Geniushttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/organized-religion-is-an-evil--------------------------http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/are-pro-black-christians...The Church & Slavery. God and Slaveryhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/the-church-slavery-god-andhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/religion-and-mentalReligion and Mental Illness/Religion Is A Mental IllnessChristianity the false religion. How they erased your mind! Wake up my people.http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:257571http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/religious-fanaticism-par...RELIGIOUS FANATICISM — PART 14 ITS CURE: LIVE TRUTHFULLYWhy Do Black People Have A Mental fetish For Jesus?http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/why-do-black-people-have-aTHE BIGGEST GAME IN TOWNhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:194580Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Biblehttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:274573WHY DO THE FORMER NEGRO SLAVES OF THE SLAVE MASTER STILL FOLLOW THE RELIGION OF THE SLAVE MASTER THAT GOT THEM ENSLAVED????http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/why-do-the-former-negro-...Holy Lockdown:Does the Church Limit Black Progress?http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:218082Is Christianity our true cultural religion?http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:162828Do You Practice Religion? Some points to ponder.http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:47500Africans and their obsession with other people's religionhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:82682Does The Church/Christianity Keep Blacks Weak?http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:92526CREATING A MODERN AFRIKAN RELIGION FOR UNIFICATIONhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:58620The Prison -- Spiritual Lockdown!http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:104710OSHO: Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemyhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:1507117 lies of Religion (explore site)http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:172832The Bible And Christianity - The Historical Originshttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:179244Discussions about Truthhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topic/search?q=truthBible Inconsistencies and Contradictions (must read)http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:179222Quotes on Christianityhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:191204Quotes on Religionhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:191038IS THE BELIEF IN JESUS, A CURSE BROUGHT UPON BLACK PEOPLE ?http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:197265Is Christianity A Hoax Do Your research It is shockinghttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:247562The Book Call The Holy Biblehttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:259466http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:257343Converting a Savage Mind: Commerce and Christianity (some facts of African history)The Movie "Religulous"http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:272896DIVINITY WILL NOT MAKE AN ACQUAINTANCE WITH RELIGIONhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:272767Would you be confused if you found out Moses, Jesus or Muhammad never existed?http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:266989POPE SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON WHAT CONSTITUTE THE CHURCHhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:274578The more I was taught in church, the more questions I had concerning Christianityhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/the-more-i-was-taught-in-1Was God Made From Man's Imagination? A Moviehttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/was-god-made-from-mansINNER LIGHTMENT/ENLIGHTMENTKnow the Truth... and the Truth shall set you free.http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/know-the-truth-and-the-t...There Is No Reasoning Logically And Rationally With Religious Believershttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/there-is-no-reasoningPulling No Punches, The Religious Factorhttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/pulling-no-punches-theZeitgeist The Moviehttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:216798http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:254461The Shift. Be a Part of THE SHIFT as it Sweeps the Globe! Some Aree Born Awake.When GOD Was A Woman by Merlin Stonehttp://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:190723http://livinginblack.ning.com/forum/topics/2019163:Topic:223291The Divine Value Of your Spiritualityhttp://www.owogienedo.com/factsonreligion/Religion.htmlThe truth is that Christian theology, like every other theology, is not only opposed to the scientific spirit, it is also opposed to all attempts at rational thinking. Henry L. Mencken________________________________________Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it. Charles Dickens________________________________________Every saint has a past and every sinner a future. Oscar Wilde________________________________________During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution. James Madison Memorial and Remonstrance, 1785________________________________________The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb in a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to John Adams________________________________________....Christianity is a monstrous fraud and delusion, that has desolated the earth and filled the spirit world with demons.... there is not a tenet, dogma, doctrine, ceremony, form or prayer, fast or feast, title of deity, form of church government, official rank or religious observance of any kind, that is not identical with some prototype to be found in one or more of the more ancient religious systems.... no such person, man, or God, as Jesus Christ, had anything to do with establishing the religion that has been taught in his name.... To get rid of the damning fact that there is no historical basis for their theological fictions, the Christian priesthood have been guilty of the heinous crime of destroying nearly all traces of the concurrent history of the first two centuries of the Christian era. What little of it they have permitted to come down to us, they have so altered and changed, as to destroy its historical value. JM Roberts, Esq.________________________________________False believing is ever the worst enemy of true doing; and every Sunday the teaching of these legalized kidnappers of children, for compulsory inoculation of their minds with the old theological virus, tends to nullify the good done by education during the other six days of the week. Gerald Massey________________________________________And hereafter, when [Christians] laugh at the Jewish superstition of a scape-goat, let them bear in mind that more sensible and intelligent people may laugh in turn at their superstitious doctrine of a scape-God... .The blood of a God must atone for the sins of the whole human family ...Somebody must pay the penalty in blood, somebody must be slaughtered for every little foible or peccadillo or moral blunder into which erring man may chance to stumble while upon the pilgrimage of life, while journeying through the wilderness of time, even if a God has to be dragged down from his throne in heaven, and murdered to accomplish it. Nothing less will mitigate the divine wrath.... Whose soul - possessing the slightest moral sensibility - does not inwardly and instinctively revolt at such a doctrine? Kersey Graves________________________________________Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poems have filled your hymnals and your prayerbooks. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars. Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricably woven into your speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage. Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised in their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep over you. Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine________________________________________Christianity sprang out of Judaism. It has again withdrawn into Judaism. The Christian from the outset was the theorizing Jew; the Jew is therefore the practical Christian and the practical Christian has become a Jew. Christianity has only seemed to overcome real Judaism ...Christianity is the sublime idea of Judaism. Judaism is the common application of Christianity. Karl Marx, a Jew and "clear and lucid Talmudist" "On the Jewish Question," Selected Essays________________________________________Because of their capacity for distortion, the Jews are the most fateful people in human history. In the course of their operations they have hoodwinked mankind so much that, even to this day, the Christian can feel anti-Semitic without realizing that he himself is the logical consequence of Judaism.... In the formulation of Christianity, the art of concocting holy lies, which is the essence of Jewishness, after many centuries of earnest apprenticeship and practice in Judea, has reached technical perfection. The Christian, who is the last word in falsity, is the Jew repeating his type - thrice a Jew. Little super-Jews, fit only for the madhouse, reversed all values to suit themselves, as if the followers of Christ alone were the meaning, the salt, the standard, and even the supreme court of mankind.... Such a calamity was only possible because a species of megalomania, similar to this one, and racially like it (orthodox Jewish) was already in existence. When a division appeared between official Jews and Christian Jews, the latter had no alternative but to employ the self-protective measures peculiar to the Jews themselves, whereas the Jews had use it only against Gentiles. The Christian is only a noncomformist Jew ... Nietzsche________________________________________In all our history books, and especially in religious circles, we are told that Christianity and the Jews were in opposition; that Christ denounced the Jews; that the Jews crucified Christ. Even today we are being told in Kosher Konservative circles that the main objective of the Jews is to destroy Christianity. This is, of course, one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the world. The facts are plainly there for everyone to see. The Jews concocted Christianity as their special poison to unhinge the minds of the Romans so that they would no longer be able to maintain their civilization. This was the Jews' revenge for the destruction of Jerusalem ... Ben Klassen Klassen was a "white supremacist, " a purported survivor of the Jewish-Bolshevik regime, which allegedly killed his family. However, his comments herein are fairly accurate.________________________________________The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: Both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun. Thomas Paine________________________________________Historically, it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all, and if He did we do not know anything about Him. Bertrand Russell, "Why I am not a Christian."________________________________________In my freetime I practised singing in the choir of the monastery church at Lambach, and thus it happened that I was placed in a very favourable position to be emotionally impressed again and again by the magnificent splendour of ecclesiastical ceremonial. What could be more natural for me than to look upon the Abbot as representing the highest human ideal worth striving for, just as the position of the humble village priest had appeared to my father in his own boyhood days? At least, that was my idea for a while. Adolf Hitler________________________________________The audience remained stoic as the Catholic mother and I regaled them with horror stories of betrayal and sexual abuse of children by clergymen. But when one of the clergymen on the show "exposed" the fact that I am an atheist, a loud collective gasp was sounded from the good Christians in the audience. It was a telling demonstration of that narrow bigotry, inculcated in so many Christians, that goodness has far more to do with one's professions of faith than with conduct and actions. Annie Laurie Gaylor________________________________________Here the Catholic Church presents an instructive example. Clerical celibacy forces the Church to recruit its priests not from their own ranks but progressively from the masses of the people. Yet there are not many who recognize the significance of celibacy in this relation. But therein lies the cause of the inexhaustible vigour which characterizes that ancient institution. For by thus unceasingly recruiting the ecclesiastical dignitaries from the lower classes of the people, the Church is enabled not only to maintain the contact of instinctive understanding with the masses of the population but also to assure itself of always being able to draw upon that fund of energy which is present in this form only among the popular masses. Hence the surprising youthfulness of that gigantic organism, its mental flexibility and its iron will-power. Adolf Hitler, expressing his admiration for the Church, Mein Kampf, I, 2________________________________________During the presidential campaign of 1880, the Christian Union made the startling admission that, of the nineteen men who, up to that time, had held the office of President of the United States, not one, with the possible exception of Washington, had ever been a member of a Christian church. John Remsburg________________________________________[Regarding the] Christian Myth, they know it is myth. In private discussions with theologians, they shocked me by admitting they know it is all a myth. One Jesuit told me, "Those stories are for the unthinking lay public." This changes the problem from one of ignorance to one of lies and deceit. Don Richards________________________________________Jesus is a mythical figure in the tradition of pagan mythology and almost nothing in all of ancient literature would lead one to believe otherwise. Anyone wanting to believe Jesus lived and walked as a real live human being must do so despite the evidence, not because of it. C. Dennis McKinsey________________________________________In regard to the Jewish problem, do not the two Christian denominations take up a standpoint to-day which does not respond to the national exigencies or even the interests of religion? Consider the attitude of a Jewish Rabbi towards any question, even one of quite insignificant importance, concerning the Jews as a race, and compare his attitude with that of the majority of our clergy, whether Catholic or Protestant. Confessed Christian Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, I, 3Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, each did his very utmost in helping our powers of resistance to hold out, not only in the trenches but also, and even more so, at home. During those years, and especially during the first outburst of enthusiasm, in both religious camps there was one undivided and sacred German Empire for whose preservation and future existence they all prayed to Heaven. Adolf Hitler, on WWI, Mein Kampf, I, 3________________________________________The rise and decline of the Pan-German movement on the one hand and the marvellous progress of the Christian-Socialist Party on the other, became a classic object of study for me, and as such they played an important part in the development of my own views.... The Christian-Socialist leaders took care to avoid all controversy with the institutions of religion and thus they secured the support of that mighty organization, the Catholic Church. Those leaders recognized the value of propaganda on a large scale and they were veritable virtuosos in working up the spiritual instincts of the broad masses of their adherents... . The anti-Semitism of the Christian-Socialist s was based on religious instead of racial principles. The reason for this mistake gave rise to the second error also... It was obvious, however, that this kind of anti-Semitism did not upset the Jews very much, simply because it had a purely religious foundation. If the worst came to the worst a few drops of baptismal water would settle the matter, hereupon the Jew could still carry on his business safely and at the same time retain his Jewish nationality. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, I, 3http://www.truthbeknown.com/christianquotes.htm

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