Our Struggle Has Not Been About Vote to Hope

I have been of the opinion that this past presidential election was even more suspect than the last two, it seemed like all too much political theater, I am not sure that this whole thing was not scripted in some back room. Think about the television series "24." which had a black president looking much like Obama, it appears to have served as preparation for what we are now seeing. But I am not basing my opinion on that show, there are other things that have raised my suspicion. First, I believe that the Republicans could have selcted a far better candidate than John "Insane to the Membrane" McCain, who then goes out and pics a running joke for a running mate. Then, you look at Obama and Biden, I do not see where there was much of choice there - dumb and dumber or smart and intelligent.That aside, what I really want to address is the wrapping of this play into an emotional presentation that this somehow is the culmination of black people's "hopes and dreams," our whole existence and struggles in Amerikkka have been about seeing a black man as chief manager of this system of racist oppression and imperial domination. Black folk running around crying and wrapping themselves and our babies in Amerikkklan rags, and talking about racial unity. This thing is going to widen the ideological divides that exist between us as a people. I was talking to a friend that if we think about it, we are getting all excited about a black man being in charge of the big house, meaning that we are not thinking about liberating ourselves from the plantation, but rather about the plantation becoming we are told to "hope."I do want "hope," we are entitled to far more than "hope," we are entitled to equal right and justice," another "First Black" does not and has never equated to that. I suggest that black people get our agenda for this "Change," we just helped to give the Democrats a near absolute majority in the congress, in the state houses, as well as da' big house. What is it that we demand in return? The right to just keep "hoping"? Keep hope alive while we continue to die as a people under the crushing weight of systemic inequities while singing the star spangled banner? I ask that you refer to my pieces on "Jim Crow," and placing congress under siege, these are some serious and achievable agena items, if we are willing to do more than vote and to hope.

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  • Chicago-Midwest
    Obama is assembling his cabinet with many from the Clinton adminstration, along with advice from the creator of the Tri-Lateral Commission, Zbigniew Brezinski, and major World Financier, David Rockefeller. So we shouldn't expect too much from this administration. There is even some suggestion that they try to role over everyone's 401K's into Social Security, thereby, in acuallity, confiscating it. In addition he is advocating that everyone 18 -25 years of age be required to perform some type of "community service" . This is similar to what Hitler and the Soviet Union did in years past. Just something for everyone to think about.

    didn't i say the man was backed by the Bilderberger group? Illuminati and Skull and Bones? how did i know that? well, as Nobel Drew Ali use to say, "when you know the nature of a thing, you know what it will do!" IF this saying sounds familiar its because in the movie Blade, Wesley Snipes' character is telling this to N'Bushe Wright's character when they are chasing the wanna-be...

    so with this information in hand, what on earth is the thinking of the world in reference to Obama... or does the world have this information? and without it, is it possible for the world to think in an INFORMED manner? or is opinion enough?
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