
National Black Wall Street Chicago Announces Partnership For FREE Credit Building and Access To Capital Services

In 2013 National Black Wall Street Chicago will provide the direct resources for our supporters to GET A FREE CREDIT ANALYSIS! for we know that Bad credit can cost!


We know that know that banks, landlords and even employers may check your credit before making a decision.


We know that a poor credit score can cost up to $250,000 in interest and fees over ones lifetime.


National Black Wall Street Chicago is humbled to have been approved as a referral partner with the new  Chicago Credit Building Coalition -- a community partnership of eleven nonprofit organizations and Citi -- that now offers FREE financial education, one-on-one credit coaching and access to the right financial tools, including a secured or unsecured credit card, along with our primary financial institution being The Southside Community Federal Credit Union.


These new financial tools are available to all whether you are an individual, business, or potential business committed to using these financial tools as a consumer or business in the campaign to create, sustain, and increase Black owned businesses, jobs and institutions in the Black community in the spirit and example of Black Wall Street, and through our Rev. Willie T. Barrow Consumer Education and Consumer Action Project of National Black Wall Street Chicago.


Again, these financial education and counseling services are free of charge…all we ask is that you be as committed as we are to using these tools in the spirit and example of Black Wall Street.  


STOP being taken advantage of by so many Credit repair scams, or PAYING for credit rebuilding services that we are now prepared to refer you get for FREE through the Chicago Credit Builders Coalition.  Call and get referred today !!!  With this TRILLION dollar consumer spending power, get the right information and tools on how to manage the economic power.


Mark S. Allen


Ariana Clayter

Chicago Executive Director

National Black Wall Street Chicago

4655 South King Drive, Suite 203

Chicago, Illinois 60653


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