Yo' Little Brother Symposium
for our 10-16 years old sons
part of the Rites-of-Passage Project
Action Leadership Institute, Inc/Kuumba Promos
Dr. Eldridge Henderson, Executive Director, ALI, Inc.
Elder Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu, Youth Development Division Director
Post Office Box 11095 Jackson, MS 39283-1095
601-918-0575 Email:
RE: Monthly Moving Towards Manhood Training Symposiums
Leadership is so very important for our sons. What is why the REAL Learning Institute has partnered with the Action Leadership Institute facilitate the Monthly Moving Towards Manhood Training Symposiums for boys 10-16 years of age. And We need the support of the leadership City of Jackson.
These Monthly MTM Training Symposiums are design our sons from the community in constructive strategy sessions that will put them on an affirmed path to responsible manhood. By engaging our sons in interactive discussions about Black Heroes to Know ; Conflict Resolution & Anger Management; Fatherhood vs. Daddy; Work Ethics & Workplace Etiquette; Commitment to Education; Principles of Manhood; Entrepreneurship Spirit; Commitment to Blackness with expect to help them appreciate the Cameroon, West African Adage - Knowledge is better than riches.
Out of love for our sons, REAL Learning has put together a series of symposiums to help them as they are Moving Towards Manhood. Our schedule looks at this -
Monthly Moving Towards Manhood Training Symposiums
“Declaring Our Humanity”
at the Arts Klassical Events Studio
Jackson Medical Mall, 350 West Woodrow Wilson Avenue,
Suite 3415, Jackson, ms - - Friday Evenings - - 6-8pm
Monthly MTM Training Symposiums Dates
Black Heroes to Know May 31, 2014
Conflict Resolution & Anger Management June 27, 2014
Fatherhood vs. Daddy July 25, 2014
Work Ethics & Workplace Etiquette August 29, 2014
Commitment to Education September 26, 2014
Principles of Manhood October31, 2014
Entrepreneurship Spirit November 14, 2014
Commitment to Blackness December 12, 2014
As a leader in Jackson, We need you to support this initiative by help us identify sources of revenue to underwrite this project and demonstrate to love and concern for our sons by making an occasional appearance at the symposiums. The symposiums are only $15.00 per session, with special discounts available for multi-session registrations. We plan to have some scholarships can be earned by our sons in special need. For more details about the REAL Learning Institute's Declaring Our Humanity MTM Training Symposium Series contact Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu, Training Elder, at or call 601-942-2504.
Asante Sana (Thank you very much) for you demonstrated commitment to our sons disciplined maturation.
Baba Asinia Lukata Chikuyu
Lead Training Elder, REAL Learning Institute
Wonderful. Watch for my email to you, my brother. Shalom.