I wannat to invite you and your youth to experience the soul-stirring inspirational history lesson that is the Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta. Our next Spiritual Pilgrimages will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2011.
Because these excursions are caravan field trips, the cost is extremely low but the value is priceless. Simply, fill-up the gas tank and load up the youth and chaperons, get yourself some snacks and get in line. We gather at the Jackson Medical Mall, 305 Woodrow Wlison Avenue, on the Livingston Road side, at 7:30 am for line up and logistical directions and head out at 8:00am. It is an all day excursion, so we usually return to the Medical Mall at 8:30pm. We do make one sit down meal stop, which is a dutch-treat affair.

Each stop on the Spiritual Pilgrimage will touch the hearts of the caravaners and helped them better understand the pain, anguish and humiliation of JimCrow Mississippi for Afrikanin american. But at the same time, they also come to better understand the strength of character of their ancestors to be able to not just endure JimCrow but to strive despite it. The dark genius of African ingenuity will sparkle in the eyes of the students and adults who traveled to the Mississippi Delta to learn Mississippi Black History. They will be inspired to wanna improve the quality of life for themselves and their communities by fighting institutional racism.
So, come with us again, or for the first time and experience the emotional pain and glory of mississippi Black History on the Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta (SP2MD) Saturday, August 27, 2011. For more imformation contact Brotha Lukata at 601.353.4455 or 601.957.2969 or reply to this email.

Working for the upliftment of our community
Baba A. Lukata Chikuyu
& see what follows
for the love of our people
The Challenge - "Impress Me!
w/ your deeds, not your words"

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