Islamic Teacher Training Course. Apply Now!




CONTENT:            This twelve week class is the first part of a multi-phase course designed to familiarize the participants with required information necessary to qualify a person to lead any Jamaat of the Muslim Community according to the SHARIAH.  The topics to be covered include a comprehensive analysis and detailed study of Aqaaid (Beliefs), Ibaadaat (Acts of Worship),  Maumelah, i.e.,  Halal (Lawful), Haram (Unlawful), Mudarabah, Shirkah, etc., Muashirath, i.e., Nikah (Wedding), Janazah (Funerals), Talaq (Divorce), Wassiah (Wills), Wirassah (Inheritance) and other ceremonial functions, among many other topics.


INSTRUCTORS:      Imams Radee Abdullah, Muhammad Abdul-Aleem, Malik Mubashshir, Amin Muhammad, Kenneth Nurrideen, Drs. Khalif Ramadan, Salmon Yussef, Sheiks Luqman Ahmed, Umar Abu Bakr and Others TBD


AUDIENCE:            While the primary objective and focus of this multi-phase course is to produce a cadre of adult males who can serve in the function of Imam, provisions have been made to accommodate five adult women out of the twenty available spaces.


DATES:            Either Saturdays and/or Sundays beginning June 2011 through Sep 2011


TIME & LOCATION :            Time TBD, Masjidullah Cultural Center and/or Musallah


REQUIREMENTS: Due to the limits on the maximum amount of participants and the desire to select the best possible candidates, prospective participants must submit the following items:


* A Completed Application Form

* Two Letters of Recommendation (No more than one page per letter)

* A One Page Biographical Sketch Mainly Related to Your Islamic Movement Involvement

* A Signed Copy of the Participant Commitment Pledge Form


DUE DATES/INQUIRIES:            Completed applications are due by Wednesday, March 8, 2000.  Please contact either of the Instructors or Bro. Mikal Shabazz if there are any questions.


NOTES:            The application package may be obtained from the Treasurer’s Office.  Upon completion of the package (application form, two letters of recommendation, participant commitment pledge form and a biographical sketch), please submit them to:


                        Mikal Shabazz, Imam & ISI Director

                        Masjidullah, Inc. of  of Philadelphia, PA

                        7700 Ogontz Avenue

                        Philadelphia, PA 19150


            If you are selected, you will be notified either in person or by mail, fax, phone or e-mail.

      "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have
acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of
the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil
to triumph." Qadamawi Haile Selassie






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