From Tar Baby's Blog

The same White nations that were involved in invasion and conquest of brown countries the world over, that engaged in mass murder, slavery, and colonialism, that have engaged in endless war on black, brown, red, and yellow people around the world, now crow at their overthrow of the Libyan government  of Muammar Qaddafi. The U.S. always claims that it comes in peace, that it seeks peace, while it is forever at war. Even when it has not been directly waging outright war, it is the perpetrator and sponsor of proxy wars, bloody dictatorships, or murderous contra mercenary forces. And of course the U.S. and its European imperial partners always claim that their crimes are committed for a greater good, such as to “civilize” savages, to “save lives,” and to “bring democracy.”

The massive joint military assault on the government and people of Libya started under a claim of imposing “a no-fly zone in order to protect civilians,” but immediately turned out to be an unending massive assault by multiple WMD from the combined forces of the largest and best equipped military forces in the world. Thousands of tons of bombs were dropped on Libya, immediately people on the ground became targets of fighter jets and attack helicopters, hundreds of attacks against government forces that the West discredited by calling them “forces loyal to Qaddafi.” One minute there was a government in Libya that long held a seat in the United Nations, had embassies and ambassadors in nearly every other country, of which Muammar Qaddafi was recognized as the leader. The next minute, the leading White imperial nations declare that Qaddafi is without “legitimacy,” that he has no right to attempt to restore the rule of law and order in his country.

The U.S. and France were the first to call the violent rabble rousers as “rebels,” with their identity being morphed through the corporate press into “freedom fighters” and “revolutionaries, even though very little is really known about who these people really are, except that many of them were members of the “terrorist” organization Al Queda. The West claimed as a matter of fact that snipers were government forces, yet, how did the West know who the snipers were? It is not far fetched that the CIA, with its Al Queda operatives, were sniping people so that the West could claim that Qaddafi was “slaughtering his own people,” as it did. When the rebellions broke out in Britain, they were called riots, even though they engaged in the same exact conduct as the so-called “Libyan rebels” engaged in, but they were called “criminals.” However, unlike the so-called “rebels” in Libya, the rebels in Britain were unarmed and did not start killing people. Untold numbers of darker skinned people, especially those from anywhere in Sub-Sahara Africa, were lynched by those “rebels.”

 And as further proof of the racist nature behind the joint invasion of Libya, the West did not consult with any African country, but instead consulted with, and boasted of the support from, the very Arab oligarchies that the so-called “Arab Spring” sought to overthrow and where in fact brutally repressing their people. Muammar Qaddafi was despised in the Arab world for the very reason that he recognized that Libya was in Africa and therefore, said that he was an African and materially supported African liberation struggles. The invasion of Libya was thus carried out by the combined force of the old enemies of Africa, the Europeans and the Arabs, the “Destroyers and the Predators” as described in Ayika Armahs book “2000 Seasons.” These invaders claimed that the Libyan government was “attacking” its own cities where mobs of armed rabble, and rabble that was being armed by the French, went about looting, burning, and killing. France also played a similar role in the overthrow of the government in the Ivory Coast.

During the course of all this war and destruction the West stole oil, stole billions in Libyan assets that they now claim a right to give to its proxies and puppets they call “the TNC.” Remember all of the attempts to villainize the Qaddafi government that turned out to be lies? There was no slaughter of civilians, no rapes, no torture, no planes dropping bombs and strafing people on the ground, except by the “rebels” and the Western nations. Remember the lies that were used to justify the invasion of Iraq, and to an extent, Afghanistan, since supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living in Pakistan. Remember that the U.S. is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, but the Taliban also was a government recognized by the U.S. and had nothing to do with events of 9/11. The truth of U.S. policy that led it into invading Iraq and Afghanistan is its desire to once again exert control over Iran, the U.S. fought hard to crush the Iranian revolution that eventually overthrew the Shaw and threw the U.S. out.

Aside from seeing an opportunity to steal the oil in Libya and getting rid of the bothersome and defiant Qaddafi, the West has sought to shift the worlds focus away from the White settler state of Israel. With the fall of the U.S. hit man Mubarak in Egypt, and the European puppet in Tunisia, Qaddafi posed a threat of electrifying the “Arab Spring” against any further accommodation with the Zionist state. It was Qaddafi that went to the U.N. and declared from the podium that the so-called “Middle East Road Map” was trash, tossing it over his shoulder. It was Qaddafi who called on the formation of the United States of Africa, that oil no longer be traded in dollars, and numerous other things with which the U.S. and its imperial European partners were very uncomfortable. Qaddafi had to go right away with the bookends of Western control gone in the region being gone or severely challenged.

It was not until the last minute did the U.S. call on Mubarak to step down and the day after he did so, Hillary Clinton flew to Cairo and declared that the people of Egypt were already in a “post-revolutionary” phase, even though essentially nothing had changed.  And notice, that since shortly after the departure of Ben Ali from Tunisia, no news has come out of there as to what that “revolution” has accomplished, perhaps because very little there has changed. And why was not a “no-fly zone” called for in Yemen, as the U.S. supported dictator killed hundreds of his people who unlike the “rebels” in Libya, were truly engaged in nothing more than peaceful unarmed protest. And why has there been no concern for the “civilians” in Syria, as Assad has unleashed massive military power against peaceful protesters in his country, and of course, no mention is made about the massive military assaults carried out against the besieged Palestinians by the White-settler state of Israel.

And it is truly interesting how the roles in the U.S. political scheme have reversed, with the Republicans being opponents of invasion, conquest, and war; while the Democrats are the proponents of invasion, conquest, and war. Now, many of the leading “liberals” of the Democratic party applauding Obama for leading the military invasion of Libya with the intent of violently overthrowing of the government. We have Obama “taking victory laps” and claiming that the “future of Libya is in the hands of the Libyan people,” even though the U.S. admittedly does not really know who the so-called “rebels” really were. Britain, France, and the U.S. were all under growing internal pressure to end the attack when it failed to have succeeded in a “matter of days” as initially thought.

What actually took place in Libya that led to the dramatic turn around in “rebel progress” has not been reported in the corporate press, the U.S. stepped up its military involvement with more predator drone attacks. The U.S., Britain, France, and Italy all had “boots on the ground” in the form of military advisors who were also backed up by huge shipment of arms to the “rebels” in violation of the arms embargo. The U.S., Britain, and France lead the way for the “rebels” with constant massive bombardments of towns, villages, infrastructure, and government facilities. For the West, the “rule of law” is whether an invasion and conquest is quick and successful or not, for they are all now once again claiming that the international crimes against humanity that they have committed to be legitimate. This is nothing more than international Jim Crow.



When Did America Ever Become a Democracy?

When the United States was founded, it was done so by a confederacy of illegal white immigrants on Native peoples’ land, who the illegal immigrants declared as “murderous red savages on our frontier.” In reality, that was America’s first act of designating a people as a “terrorist” threat to it in order to justify the plan to wipe them out and take their land. And as the Americans attacked the Natives and forced them off of their land, they brought Africans whom they had kidnapped or supported the kidnapping of, to enslave to work the land and build their settler state. Women were for the most part the property of their husbands, and those who were not married, simply had no protection. Based on these irrefutable facts, how could it then be claimed that the founding of the U.S. was based on democracy? It appears that the U.S. was founded on invasion, violence, robbery, fraud, mass murder, slavery, sexism, racism, and hypocrisy.

So, I ask, at what point in its history did the U.S. become a democracy? Clearly, it was not during the period between its declaration of independence and it civil war, during which time the Natives were “removed” in great numbers to the west, and the federal government made sure that a black person fleeing slavery had no sanctuary anywhere within the white settler state. Did the U.S. civil war result in it becoming a democracy? No, it does not seem so since it continued to war on the Natives for more of their land, and “made” the former African held in slavery “subject to the authority” of the white settler state by mere birth in captivity at the scene of the crime. And then, after a brief period of appearing to change, the U.S. became the first apartheid state and focused on taking all of the Native land from sea to shining sea. It could not have become a democracy then, as it expanded its racist military sights on Cuba, Central America, Hawaii, and the Philippines. The people of those lands also did not experience any peace or democracy from the Americans.

We are well now over a century since the creation of the U.S., and at no point in that history can it be shown that it was ever a democracy or about peace. It invaded and occupied Haiti, Honduras, Panama, as white mobs assaulted and destroyed black communities without any fear of consequence for their crimes, including murder. And even though in the middle of the last century the U.S. put on a grand show of reform, it must be understood that it was just that, a reforming of open apartheid to more subtle forms of apartheid. Just as Americans claim that the Thirteenth amendment “abolished” slavery, they claimed that their superficial reforms resulted in the “death of Jim Crow,” both of which are lies. Neither the word “abolish,” nor any synonym of it appear in the Thirteenth amendment, it merely states that “Neither slavery or involuntary servitude shall be permitted in the United States, except as punishment for crime…”

Clearly, the word “abolish” is not part of the amendment, and all it really does is change the basis for enslavement (don’t enslave them because they are black, make them “criminals” to enslave them). And Jim Crow was not simply about the open display of racist signs, but more so about an oppressive social system, and actually could not be killed and declared dead except by those impacted by it. The “integration” of public toilets, schools, and the like did not make the U.S. a democracy. The “integration” of blacks more into the white-settler state and society was at best only a tactical advancement for the white-settler state, for that integration required blacks to assimilate. Giving black people the right to vote did not make the U.S. a democracy since that vote had very limited benefit, primarily on the local level, for there is essentially no black representation in the national government in spite of the few black faces in high places. So, someone please tell me when America became a democracy, I cannot find that happening at any point in its history and don not see it even being possible in its future.


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