Thread or Threat ? O my Friend
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U can see the pictures of my gallery from 11sep
Long long ago, I Wrote In Persian language a Symbolic Drama Based on 11 Sep
I called my drama theatre of football (57 page) My Drama was as Long as a Romance
Therefore it wasn't Translated by a translator, last week I decided to short it , But suddenly the story of 11sep finished,i don’t know what to do about my drama
I wrote this drama from 2003 to 2005, (I wrote Erected noses play in only 2 week
It is hard 4 me forget it, it need be shorted by me,
In my drama there is not bin laden, anti hero is an American citizen, i didn’t want change history, if I drew a 100% negative picture from bin laden, my drama became a Bomb of hate
Therefore in my drama I killed him on the white paper , i forget him
my drama is over than an epic joke, it has three slideshow
In first slideshow: Angel freedom is symbol of Narrator.. & two girls Twins are symbol of WTC...
& two small green birds are symbol of 2 airplanes...Padre & Spiritual Mother are their parents... a doctor is symbol of terrorist (this part occurs in the seaside)
In second slideshow: the Breasts of a nurse is symbol of WTC...a doctor is symbol of terrorist..Padre & Spiritual Mother are their parents... A blind psychologist is symbol of politicians (this part occurs in the hospital)
In third slideshow: a Football Referee is symbol of Dissident students he was inspired by American students in decade 60.... His wife is symbol of Assistant Referee ...She is pregnant & the child Inside of her Abdomen is symbol of aircraft passengers (this part occurs in the Prison)