
How Wall Street Fleeces America

Privatized Banking, Government Collusion

and Class War


by Stephen Lendman

ISBN: 978-0-9833539-4-2 192 pp. $16.95 2011


Purchase your copy on Amazonir?t=theb04-20&l=ur2&o=1


The 1913 Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp money creation
authority in violation of the Constitution's Article I, Section 8, giving only
Congress the power to "coin Money (and) regulate the Value thereof...."
Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control over money, credit and debt
for private self-enrichment, bankrolling and colluding with Congress and
administrations to implement laws favoring them.

As a result, decades of deregulation, outsourcing, economic financialization,
and casino capitalism followed, producing asset bubbles, record budget and
national debt levels, and depression-sized unemployment far higher than
reported numbers, albeit manipulated to look better.

After the financial crisis erupted in late 2007, even harder times have left Main
Street in the early stages of a depression, with recovery pure illusion. Today's
contagion has spread out of control, globally. Wall Street got trillions of
dollars in a desperate attempt to socialize losses, privatize profits, and pump
life back into the corpses by blowing public wealth into a moribund financial
sector, failing corporate favorites, and America's aristocracy.

While Wall Street boasts it has recovered, industrial America keeps
imploding. High-paying jobs are exported. Economic prospects are eroding.
Austerity is being imposed, with no one sure how to revive stable,
sustainable long-term growth.

This book provides a powerful tool for showing angry Americans how they've
been fleeced, and includes a plan for constructive change.



Dirty Secrets of the Temple

Capitalism and Freedom Unmasked

Greenspan's Dark Legacy

A Short History of Government Handouts to Bankers and Other Corporate

Quantitative Easing: Elixir or Poison?

Fraud in Washington

Obama's Anti-Populist Budget and Deficit Fix

The Recession Is Over, the Depression Is Just Beginning

Manipulation: How Markets Really Work
Goldman Sachs: Master of the Universe
Financialization: The Rise of Casino Capitalism

Class Warfare Jeopardizing American Workers' Security

Waging War on America's Workers

Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan Racket

On the Chopping Block: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act

Public Banking: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.



Stephen Lendman is a writer and broadcaster. His work is exceedingly widely
distributed online, with his articles carried on numerous listservs and
websites such as Information Clearing House, Countercurrents, Rense,
AltNews, Uruknet, Global Research, Counterpunch, and more. In early 2007,
he began regular radio hosting, now The Progressive Radio News Hour on
The Progressive Radio Network. He is co-author with J.J. Asongu of The Iraq
Quagmire: The Price of Imperial Arrogance.

He holds a BA from Harvard and an MBA from Wharton.
Clarity Press, Inc.

Available on Amazon -


"Stephen Lendman has been tireless in exposing the hidden forces behind the
news, on everything from political economy and human rights to social justice
workers’ rights. His writings draw from a wealth of knowledge and deep
I’m delighted to see him tackle the problem of private banking and
collusion and what I believe is the key to the solution—public

ELLEN BROWN, Web of Debt

"Steve Lendman is one of America’s leading critics,whether it involves exposing
collusion between Wall Street and Washington, the Obama regime’s support of
Israeli occupation of Palestine, or the frame-up of Muslim citizens by the
general. Fearless,thoroughly documented and judicious in his
Lendman’s essays are a major contribution to the struggle for
social justice in America."


"I think this text is terrific, just what is needed, very clear, informative beyond most
people’s ken, easy to read, and of ultimate importance to steering economic
and political recovery. The Capitalism and Freedom chapter is right in biopsy.
The book just keeps on going with brilliant full exposure."

 Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an Ethical System

"A comprehensive understanding of Wall Street's manipulations of markets,
and power to the detriment of working people everywhere is badly
needed. Stephen
Lendman's new book "How Wall Street Fleeces America, is the

   President Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored

"Stephen Lendman has written a brilliant, passionate, and humane analysis of
current economic disarray in which we now live. Picking up where Thorstein
left off, Lendman links our catastrophic economic situation to the robber-
mentality in corporations and the failure of government to act as the
enforcer of
morality. His analysis is full of concrete illustrations of this latter-day
barbarism, and
is accessible to the everyday person, as well as intellectuals.
This book should be
required reading in business schools as well as

Professor of Sociology, Texas A&M University

"Stephen Lendman’s latest work covers a great many interconnected subjects
that affect not only the United States but everyone in the world.
The aspect of
in America today is shown to be nothing less then the robbing of the
people by a criminal syndicate, known as Wall Street, banking and the
Federal Reserve.
A good deal of this is based upon the Federal Reserve Act and
the ability
of major private banks to control American society. The players have
turned the
financial world into one vast casino and when the players lose large
amounts of money the public is allowed to bail them out.
This book digs deeply
into many of the
contributing parts of what is wrong with the financial system of
America and the world today.
Stephen Lendman has a great gift for writing and
research and all his readers are the beneficiaries.."

  Editor of the International Forecaster

"Stephen Lendman has a breadth and depth of understanding of world and
affairs virtually unmatched among other public intellectuals today. With
exceptional collection of reflections upon our financial and budgetary crises,
clarifies and illuminates the dark and obscure recesses of policies and
that, although ostensibly intended to promote the interests of the
people, all too
often have the opposite effect, enriching and strengthening the
wealthy at the
taxpayer's expense. Let us hope this book will be followed by
many more!"

McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota Duluth

""Stephen Lendman is a true citizen journalist and scholar. After a long and
successful business career, Lendman took it upon himself to use his retirement
a springboard for a new career as an analyst of political economy. With great
acumen, Lendman calls out economic charlatans and cuts straight through the
of so-called bull markets to tell the truth about how the powerful fleece the
public on
a daily basis. Lendman not only traces the history of the current
financial calamity,
he offers common sense advice on what we can do about it. A
solid, fact-based
read for anyone trying to make heads or tails of what's
happening in today's economy."

Associate Professor of History, Diablo Valley College
Director, Project Censored

"There are many descriptive, narrative accounts about Wall St. and the current
economic crisis available to readers today. But Stephen Lendman's new book
the analysis far deeper than a simple narrative. Lendman emphasizes and
on the connections between Wall St. actions and the political system in
Washington. How money operates on both sides of the street -- the banking and
the political--is described in detail. The reader is left with a broader, deeper
understanding of why the recent crisis happened and where it may well be
Most importantly, the author does not shirk from calling the outcomes of
the Wall St.-
Washington alliance for what it represents: the emergence of a new
kind of class
war in America. Readers will find of special interest his innovative
views on banking
and public banking. Lendman's book is definitely one not to be

Professor of Economics, Santa Clara University
Author: Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression









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