Here We Go Again, More Pandemic BS
Junious Ricardo Stanton
If it didn’t pose such an existential threat to humanity via their lies, propaganda, money grubbing and lethal vaccines, the latest declarations about Monkey Pox would be comical. The World Health Organization is up to its old tricks, generating public fear and money for Big Pharma by using hyperbole to shill for more and more vaccines to supposedly mitigate yet another non-existent global health emergency. This time its Monkey Pox once again; by the way.
We are conditioned by the plutocracy’s mind control apparatus to have short memories, not remember events at all. In 2022 the media tried to frighten us about a virus called Monkey Pox but it fizzled once it came to light Monkey Pox was mostly spread in males through homosexual activities/contact with multiple partners! That sounded the death knell for that incarnation of Monkey Pox, but they never sleep they kept at it.
Here they come again. This time the “they” meaning Big Pharma, the globalists at the World Health Organization and people like Bill Gates have renamed and rebranded Monkey Pox to keep the scam going. They have rigged the narrative so that it is more frightening with the potential to infect more victims. This time they’re suppressing the homosexual causal issue, they’ve changed the name to Mpox or mPox, they’re saying it’s a zoonotic virus meaning it can jump from animals to humans, that it’s most specific to West and Central Africa (where have we heard that before, I know AIDS?) and it is spreading so fast the WHO must declare a global health emergency (where have we heard that before?).
Here we go again! On August 14, 2024 WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for another monkey pox global public health emergency! According to the WHO fourteen thousand people in the Democratic Republic of Congo contracted the virus resulting in five hundred fifty five deaths. Five hundred people died in one country and the WHO’s Tedros Adhanon Ghebreyesus is trying to induce panic and hysteria just like he did for COVID by claiming there is a pandemic going on! Coincidentally there are two vaccines available to fight this “pandemic” so step right up and get your doses before we are swamped and inundated by MPox
Please keep in mind there are eight billion people on this planet we call earth and Africa has according to World O Meter 1,519,750,314 billion people or roughly 18.3 percent of the world population! One billion is one million times one thousand. So let’s do what the globalists don’t want us to do which is think logically, clearly and critically. Out of one point five billion people in Africa only fourteen thousand people contracted Mpox and fifty-five died; so where is the emergency?! What’s the fuss? Yes it is tragic people died but let’s not allow eugenicists and “crisis” profiteers like Bill Gates to hype this into something it is not! Keep in mind the previous demographic for Monkey Pox was homosexual males who had sex with multiple partners! Now they are trying to convince us, the “virus” can jump from animals to humans. If this is so, is laboratory tampering a possible cause for this new mutation?!
What the globalists are attempting to do is jin up statistics using the same PCR test they used to jin up the numbers for COVID so they can get governments to rush out and buy the vaccine for the newly rebranded Mpox. We’ve seen this before with COVID, Bird Flu and HIV/AIDS. The globalists’ playbook is thin they use the same tactics over and over again mainly because they work. They work because we are not paying attention because we are distracted by their media exaggerations and lies which are designed to generate fear and anxiety. When we are afraid we can not think clearly and we are easily manipulated and duped, which is what they are attempting to do now with this new Monkey Pox campaign.
These are the same actors minus the nefarious Anthony Fauci who foisted COVID injections on the world, injections that are proving as time goes on and research becomes more available to be neither safe nor effective! The same could be said for AZT the AIDS medicine, this a coincidence? Is WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus a real life Chicken Little or is he in cahoots with Big Pharma and Bill Gates to jin up more profits or increase the death toll from vaccines?!
Just like they did with COVID they are concealing certain facts; in this case the fact Monkey Pox was a condition of mainly homosexual males and attributing the new Mpox to two viruses Clade I and Clade II which so far both are mainly confined to West and Central Africa! They say Clade I is more serious, killing ten percent of those contacted. Keep in mind we have eight billion people on the planet, one point five billion in Africa and the Monkey Pox infection and death numbers are minuscule! Don’t fall for the okey-doke!