The Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and
Solidarity (HCI-FPFS) congratulates the United Socialist Party of
Venezuela (PSUV) on the resounding election victory in last Sunday (26
September, 2010) National Assembly election held in Venezuela. This is
a gigantic and well deserved election victory for the PSUV but also a
powerful testimony to the brave and consistent political work of PSUV
with the masses.
Moreover, this resounding victory marks a significant point in the
revolutionary process of the people of Latin America. It is an
unmistaken statement from Venezuelan voters that they were fed up with
the antics on imperialism and corporate media’s conspiracy against
President Hugo Chavez.
Progressives all around the world have a lot to copy from PSUV’s fine
example. The PSUV victory therefore means acceptance by the people of
Venezuela the revolutionary programs of President Hugo Chavez and
continuity for those programs. Thus this landslide victory chalked by
PSUV did not come as a surprise because the Party was competing with
fascist, imperialist and vicious opponent who is at best represents
the interests of foreign criminal adventurers in Latin America. A
proxy and disgraceful opponent whose stock in trade is the ruthless
manipulation of the public information space to mislead Venezuelan
people on a journey of ill will and hate. Venezuelans considered
detractors to President Hugo Chavez as traitors to the conscience of
the Latin American nation.
With this electoral victory, we commend membership, supporters and
sympathizers of PSUV for participating in the National Assembly
election. It is our fervent prayer that God Almighty that saw
Venezuela under the wise and role-model leadership of President Hugo
Chavez through that election will Guide and Watch over PSUV in all its
decisions, activities, programs and policies.

Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh
President of Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace,
Friendship and Solidarity (HCI-FPFS)
For and on behalf of Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace,
Friendship and Solidarity (HCI-FPFS)

Public Release Statement
           28 September 2010
Freetown, Sierra Leone-West Africa
Isha Chico Kanu;

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