Give The Gift of Peace
Junious Ricardo Stanton
This year’s holiday season marks a unique time when several traditions are in close proximity to each other. Christmas or the Christ Mass and Hanuka are on the same day, Kwanzaa begins the next day and The Three Kings Day is celebrated on January 6th. Keep in mind all holidays, festivals, celebrations and rituals are man-made, they are created by human beings to reinforce something in their belief systems, culture or a special event. None of the various human holidays were created by invisible beings in the sky or in the elements! That being said holidays can and do fulfill an important need. They provide a time or times for humans to gather celebrate and remember. They allow us to reinvigorate our days by celebrating and enjoying each other’s company and fellowship.
During many holidays it is customary to exchange gifts or presents. Unfortunately, in the West many holidays have been highjacked, refocused and redirected away from the original meaning and reason for the celebrations and festivities and rechanneled or steered into something else. In the West for example Christmas a celebration of the birth of their savior figure has been inundated with pagan customs that have nothing to do with the birth of Yeshua bar Joseph. Evergreen trees Santa Clause St Nick, the North Pole, evergreens and a host of other customs did not exist in Palestine and in fact are representative of cultures in northern Europe rather than West Asia.
This does not take away for the message of this time Peace on Earth Good Will Towards men, a festival of lights and faith and a remembrance of African cultural traditions. We can still hold on to the deeper meanings of these man-made holidays as well as do something that can make the world a better place. This year we can make a conscious effort to give the gift of peace, to ourselves our families friends and neighbors. If there is one thing this world sorely lacks and is in great need of its peace!
Peace is not merely the absence of hostilities, peace is a mindset, an attitude and inner commitment to tranquility, nonviolence, reconciliation and at-one-ment with ourselves and the universe. You cannot be at peace if you are anxious, angry, meanspirited or upset. Peace means you are calm and tranquil your mind and inner core are smooth and unnerved.
In today’s society it is truly rare for one to encounter a person of peace because we are influenced by a consolidated media that does its best to keep us agitated, feeling insecure, inadequate and less than. This is deliberate. The powers that shouldn’t be use psychology in their advertisements, their “newscasts” and propaganda to induce certain emotions like fear and envy to manipulate us into buying things based upon feelings of inadequacy and covetousness.
If we are to be about genuine peace, we have to become aware of what we allow into our consciousness and mental space. Mind control is based upon the target being consciously unaware he or she is manipulated, thinking the images ideas and thoughts in our heads are self-generated. They are not they are put there by the media. We have to learn how to take back our minds our consciousness and ideation and put ourselves in control.
Peace is our natural state. No baby is born into this world from the womb angry and full of hate! That comes later with the programming and socialization he or she receives from their immediate environment which includes their family, “education” and the media!
Deep within us is a reservoir of tranquility and calm we just have been programmed to not be aware of it and to use our conscious minds to be agitated and upset and unconsciously reenforce these states of mind.
The key to peace is being aware of our thoughts and feelings. Energy follows thought so if we are agitated, angry this is because we are thinking thoughts that make us feel this way. Energy flows thought so we must be vigilant, mindful and keenly aware of our thinking because our thoughts trigger our emotions and our emotions trigger physiological responses and reactions whether we act on them or not!
Learn to calm yourself by thinking and visualizing calming thoughts. Practice deep abdominal breathing and attempting to tap into the reservoir of peace within you. This is called meditation. Deep breathing and meditation calm us down, slows our heart rate and allows us to tap into higher realms of thinking, being and behaving.
Peace is our natural state. When we are calm and tranquil the outside world cannot impact us adversely. Being at peace does not change the outer world or our circumstances but peace will transform us! It will allow us to think more clearly, be open to new ideas and inspiration, we will have control over ourselves and have a subtle impact our immediate environment. We can become a stabilizing force in the midst of chaos or be the source of calm and reason in an agitated situation. Our peace will be infectious and contagious and influence our environment just as fear and panic does.
Peace is our natural state but in this controlled and manipulated society we have to cultivate it ourselves daily. The overlords and oligarchs want and need to keep us agitated so they can manipulate us and rule over us. True freedom and power come from cultivating peace within oneself.
Once you learn to calm yourself and allow your inner peace to spread within you, you will have power over yourself and once you cultivate this lifestyle you can be a great influence on others. If there is one thing the world needs now its peace. During this holiday season share the gift of peace and spread it afar.