
Excerpt of Sons of Sa-Nanda StudyBook 4 Part 2, The Greatest Story Ever Re-Told By Tjeti Faheem Judah-EL


Question: I understand that the Romans worshipped Mithra, but when was the

actual story of Jesus written, and by whom?

Answer: great question, I know for most of you it will be hard for you to

accept what I’m about to say, but it’s time to wake up to the truth.  The author of the “Greatest Story Ever Told”, known as  “The New Testament”, or Re-Newed Testament was written by Arius Calpurnius Piso, pen name – Flavius Josephus.

I suggest you read a book called

“The True Authorship of the New Testament” by Abelard Reuchlin, The Abelard

Reuchlin Foundation, P.O. Box 5652, Kent, WA 98064.

Reuchlin, Abelard.

The True Authorship of the New Testament.


1. Rome, Roman Empire, Roman

History, Jewish History, Church History, Christianity, Religion, Calpurnius


Flavius Josephus.

ISBN 0-930808-02-9


Question: why was this story written?


Answer: it was all a great secret, and all about power and control, but because the Jews knew the story was not based on factual events they didn’t accept it.  The Jewish people rejected his story because they knew the truth. As it says in John 15:25: They knew he haddestroyed their Temple and City and

slaughtered their people because of his senseless hatred, and that he was now the author of the new fiction by which Rome was hoping to control the Judean masses. They also knew that while writing his account of the war entitled the Jewish War, and finishing the Book of Matthew, he was the Roman General who in the year 73 destroyed the last three Jewish outposts: Machaerus, Herodion, and Masada. In the quasi-fictional story of the war which he wrote he gave himself,as conqueror of Masada, the fictional name Flavius Silva.’ He knew every detail of the siege of Masada word by word, because he was the one who had fictionally conducted it. He wrote that the defenders who committed suicide totaled 960,which in his code system he explains that: 600 stood for Christ, 300 stood for the Cross, and 60 stood for the name Calpurnius Piso

*Note Josephus’ name was Titus Flavius Josephus 37 – c.100),born Joseph ben Matityahu (<a>Hebrew</a>: יוסף בן מתתיהו, Yosef ben

Matityahu), or Matthew. (Khazarian Jew- Jew-ish, or like a Jew)



Question: I thought you said Piso was a Roman?

Answer: he wrote under many pen names, as a Roman, and as a Jew.



The New Testament, the Early Church, and Early Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso

(pronounced Peso) one family, who were Roman aristocrats, The New Testament and

all the characters in it.


Question: how did Calpurnius Piso, and the Piso family write the story?


Answer: you have to understand that Calpurnius Piso was not just some person who just started writing stories one day. He was a well-known writer, and historian who wrote under the pen name “Flavius Josephus”. He wrote many books, including an extensive volume called “The Antiquities of the Jews”.  It was in Josephus’ early writings where he began to create stories and the characters by tying the story into a

specific time and place in history; and he connected it with some actual historical people, such as the King Herods, Master Teacher Gamaliel, the Roman procurators, and others. But the character of Jesus, and everyone involved with him were created by him.


Question: where did the Piso family get the information to write the story?


Answer: the information came from the “Kemetic Mysteries”. All of the

principles, laws, and teachings that the character Jesus teaches in the New

Testament come as “Lesser Mysteries” from the “Greater Mysteries” which were

taken out of ancient Kemet by various Essene, and Gnostic groups.


Question: can you give us some examples of characters that Peso created in

the New Testament?


Answer: I’m quoting, and paraphrasing this from the book “The True Authorship of the New Testament” by Abelard Reuchlin: Arius Calpurnius Piso wrote, in sequence, the following: the Gospel of Matthew 70-75 C.E., Present Gospel of Mark 75-80 C.E., Gospel of Luke (with help of Pliny the Younger) 85-90 C.E. In the gospel story he inserted himself by playing the role not only of Jesus, but of all the Josephs, as well. He particularly enjoyed assuming the identity of Joseph. Wishing to create a Jewish hero, a savior, in fictional form, he (and his father before him), felt the identity of a second Joseph secretly, but very aptly, fit them. For their name Piso had the same four letters, rearranged, as the four Hebrew letters (Yud Vov Samech Fey) which in that language spelled the name Joseph. Thus they saw themselves as the new Joseph. That is why so much of the story of Joseph in Egypt is secretly redone and inserted into the gospel story of Jesus. The Jewish Joseph (of Genesis), 12 brothers, Spices on the camels, Joseph flees without his cloak from Potiphar’s wife, *Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, Brother Judah suggests the sale, Background was Egypt, bondage and slaying of the first-born *Miriam is sister of Moses, whose story is sequel to that of Joseph. The second Joseph (Jesus), 12 disciples, Spices with the Magi, *the young disciple flees without his cloak when Jesus is arrested. Jesus is sold for 30 pieces of silver, *Judas sells Jesus, *Background was flight to Egypt to avoid Herod’s slaying of the male children, (Mt.2.13,16), Mariam is Jesus’ mother, The Jesus figure which Pisocreates is a composite. He inserts redrawn elements from Joseph in Egypt and other Jews of the Bible; elements from Essenic writings; and characteristics of various pagan gods. Piso plagiarized the Hebrew Scriptures. He especially, loved to borrow freely from the prophet Isaiah, whose 44th chapter was most helpful. Piso’s idea to make Jesus a god to whom to bow, worship and pray came from Isaiah 44.17.  

End of Quote: Peso’s goal was to make his Jesus of the New Testament fit the Prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures.


Question: you mentioned Gamliel, can you tell me where and why he is

inserted into the story?


Answer: because of the destruction of the war, Judaea after year 70 was desolate and under populated. With little left to tax, the Herodian aristocracy y had gone to Rome permanently to live. The Sadducaean priesthood, appointees and in-laws of were dead at the revolutionaries’ hands.  And the remainders scattered to Rome. Even the Essenic visionaries in the dessert were dead at the hand of Peso. But unlike

the Herods before them, they were not fully practical, for they refused to accommodate Piso’s wishes as to religion. They refused to instruct their people to accept his story. Now, for  Rabbi Gamliel, (Gamaliel) is inserted not only as the teacher of Paul (Acts 22.3), but also as the speaker at the Council of Jerusalem warning that the apostles should be let alone (Acts 5.38-39). Even Rabbi Akiva would be added to Acts: as Agabus (Acts 11.28 and 21.10) and as Sceva (Acts 19.14). And yes, he was a real historical figure.


Question: who was Rabbi Akiva?


Answer:  Akiva ben Joseph (Hebrew: עקיבא בן יוסף; ca. 40 – ca. 137 AD), widely known as Rabbi Akiva (Hebrew/ רבי עקיבא), was a <a>tanna</a> of the latter part of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century (3rd tannaitic generation). Rabbi Akiva was a leading contributor to the Mishnah and Midrash Halakha. He is referred to in the Talmud as "Rosha-Chachamim" or (Head of all the Sages).

Question: did Akiva ben Joseph know the real Gamaliel?

Answer: yes, Akiva became a devoted adherent and friend of Gamaliel, you have to understand that these were the people putting your scriptures together. Akiva was instrumental in drawing up the canon of the <a>Tanakh</a>.


Question: did Akiva ben Joseph known who the real Jewish Messiah would be?


Answer: Akiva was a character written into the “New Testament” story like Jesus, but he believed that a man named Simon bar Kokhba (Hebrew: שמעון בר כוכבא) (died 135 CE) could have been the Messianic/Jewish leader. He was the leader of what is known as the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire in 132 CE,  he established an independent Jewish state which he ruled for three years as Nasi/ ("Prince"), but his state was conquered by the Romans in 135 following a two-year war.

Question: it sounds like Peso was trying to create a Jewish Messiah for the gentiles, is that the case?


Answer: Peso was trying to create a new religious political system for Rome, and establish a Jewish god in his own image (Jewish culture) for the Gentiles. He wanted to create a Jewish “Hero”, and fulfill Jewish prophecy. If you look at the Kokhba Revolt in 132 C.E. you will see that the second Jewish

rebellion took place 60 years after the first, and established an independent state lasting three years. For many Jews of the time, this turn of events was heralded as the long hoped for Messianic Age.


Question: so the people were looking for a Jewish Hero to come as prophesied,

is that correct?


Answer: yes, but the excitement was short-lived, however, and after a brief span of glory, the revolt was crushed by the Roman legions. But, I must note that the Romans fared very poorly during the initial revolt as they faced a unified Jewish force, in contrast to First Jewish-Roman War.

But if you notice, it was no other than Flavius Josephus, a.k.a. Arius Calpernius Piso who recorded the three separate Jewish armies fighting each other for control of the Temple Mount during

the three weeks after the Romans had breached Jerusalem's walls and were fighting their way to the center. 


I know this information is very fascinating, and can take you in various directions, but I want to stay on task, and focus on the New Testament, and Arius Calpurnius Piso.  Now, I want you Read “A SHORT SYNOPSIS OF PISO HISTORY” by Viktor Mano, in it he states “His family descended from Philip II of Macedon (359-336 BCE). King Philip was the father of two sons - Alexander the Great and Lagos (the Rabbit). The Piso line descends from Lagos down through the many Ptolemys (said Royalty of Egypt) to include Cleopatra and Arrius Piso. In their day they were well known, as many great writers mentioned them. They were members of the closed society of *Zoroastrianism and priests of the temple at Zela in the homeland of Pontus on the southern coast of the Black Sea”…Zoroasterism was originally an astro-theology spiritual system, degraded into a religion founded around 700 B.C.E, allegedly by a Persian prophet named Zarathustra {Zoro-Aster}. The basic belief of Zoroastrianism is that there is a constant battle between the spirit of good and the spirit of evil, and that the Earth is the battleground. Everyone should therefore be dedicated to fighting for good thoughts, good words and good deeds, and we will be judged on how well we fought when we die. Truthfully, this is the same belief system as the ancient Egyptians.

“So, in 66 CE, Arrius Piso waged war against Jerusalem and defeated the Jewish People (The Pisos hated the Jews all but the Herodians [Sadducees], who were relatives). He tore down the temple there with the help of a Piso relative named Titus in 70 CE, just as Caesar had torn down the temple at Zela. To commemorate his victory and to create a religion to keep the slaves humble, he and his family authored the “NEW TESTAMENT,” cleverly inventing a Jesus Christ (with the same initials as Julius Caesar oddly enough) who would replace Caesar as the head of what was to become the new

state religion of Rome: Christianity.” 


James Ballantyne Hannay 

James Ballantyne Hannay also wrote about the Roman authorship of the New Testament in his 1925 work, “The Rise Decline and fall of the Roman Religion (Christianity).” Quote: “To the slaves, the "Old Testament" was intended to mean the Torah (actually the Septuagint, or Greek translation of the Torah). To the

royals, the Old Testament was intended to mean the "last will and testament of Julius Caesar." This is a clear example of a dual meaning - one for the slaves/masses, and one for the royals/corporations.


Question: who wrote the Septuagint?


Answer: The Septuagint, was written by the seventy plus two, or 72, which symbolizes the 72 degrees in Astrology), these were Rabbis from the library at Alexandria in Egypt. This is long after the original Kemetians were gone from (Egypt), the Ptolemy pharaohs were ancestors of the Frugi, and the Septuagint was their property. Because they owned it, they decided to include it in their new

version of the Bible. 


Question: who were the Frugi?


Answer: Frugi was a name used by Roman men of the gens Calpurnia during the Roman Republic and early Empire. They were descendants of the Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi who

was consul in 133 BC and who established the addition of Frugi as an agnomen that was passed down through the family.

The Calpurnii Pisones who distinguished themselves by the name Frugi were one of three main branches of Pisones active from the mid-2nd century BC into the 1st century AD.


Question: was the name used like a corporation?


Answer: yes, there were four unbroken generations who kept the name Frugia practice of elite Roman families to preserve their heritage, religious traditions (sacra gentilicia), influence and property.


Professor Bruno Bauer

Professor Bruno Bauer, in his work of 1877 "CHRIST AND THE CAESARS", stated that he had concluded that the Romans had authored the New Testament and that Flavius Josephus (Arrius Piso) was the inventor

of Jesus, which became Serapis (Ser = Sun and Apis = Bull, the Sun in Taurus) under the Council of Nicea, (Nicaea) in 325 A.D. 

*Note: Arrius Piso was related to King Herod, the same family that supposedly wanted to kill the coming Messiah.


From the Kemetian Rituals to the New Testament Dramas


Question: where did the Piso get his stories from?



Arrius Piso was the first to declare his plays publicly with much influence in Roman, but the origin of the plays were translated originally from off the walls of ancient Kemet/ Egypt), and from various Sanhedrin texts, to later become recompiled as the authentic history of the Jew-ish  people.

Flavius Josephus (Arrius Piso) 

“We do not possess myriads of inconsistent books, conflicting with each other. Our books, those which are justly accredited, are but two and twenty, and contain the record of all time. Of these, five are the books of Moses, comprising the laws and the traditional history from the birth of man down to the death of the lawgiver. This period falls only a little short of three thousand years.

From the death of Moses until Artaxerxes, who succeeded Xerxes ad King of Persia, the prophets subsequent to Moses wrote the history of the events of their own times in thirteen books. The remaining four books contain hymns to God and precepts for the conduct of human life. From Artaxerxes to our own time the complete history has been written, but has not been deemed worthy of equal credit with the earlier records, because of the failure of the exact succession of the prophets.” 


If you are interested in more information on the Re-Newed Testament research Arrius Piso, the Jewish Sanhedrin, Akiva ben Joseph, the Septuagint, and The Frugi.

Hetep, Shalom, Salaam

Tjeti Faheem Judah-EL
Arius Calpurnius Piso, pen name – Flavius Josephus

Arius Calpurnius Piso, pen name – Flavius Josephus
Rabbi Gamliel Teacher of Rabboni Yashua
Rabbi Gamliel Teacher of Rabboni Yashua
Depiction of Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph, Mantua Haggadah (1568)
Depiction of Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph, Mantua Haggadah (1568)
Bar Kokhba silver Shekel/tetradrachm. Obverse: the Jewish Temple facade with the rising star, surrounded by "Shimon". Reverse: A lulav, the text reads: "to the freedom of Jerusalem"
Bar Kokhba silver Shekel/tetradrachm. Obverse: the Jewish Temple facade with the rising star, surrounded by "Shimon". Reverse: A lulav, the text reads: "to the freedom of Jerusalem"
The Temple Mount of Jerusalem
The Temple Mount of Jerusalem
The Septuagint
The Septuagint

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