Once again we owe a show of graditude to Sons of Africa for the information about The Stono Rebellion. Information about Sons of Africa can be obtained at An excerpt from one of their postings about The Stono Rebellion that prompted the following blog by H. Khalif Khalifah.
It was information about The Stono Rebellion, Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey & Nat Turner that helped to uncover my Purpose in Life. The information about Stono, Prosser and Denmark (to a lesser extent, since i got my hands on a transcript of the trial of the Black captives who were tried for the Rebellion). But when i got to Nat Turner, Prof John Henrik Clarke had reprinted a copy of "The Confessions of Nat Turner" in his book; "William Styron's Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond." Later, after about 1969, i committed myself to the preservation and propagation of the true accounts about Nat Turner. It is now 2010 and i presently own a 123 acre tract of land that is part of the Plantation land where Nat Turner was born, worked, preached, planned and executed the largest Revolt against The USA in history.
To preserve this precious history i have conducted tours of The Nat Turner Trail for an estimated 2500 African Americans and two cacasians over the past 20 years. The tours are "staged" from a structure on the land that i have instituted as The Nat Turner Reference Library. The Nat Turner Trail is a revisit to the "battle sites" where the army was victorious in 16 consecutive victories as they fought over a two day period to reach yes, the complete history about our gallantry in physical fights to liberate the race from chattel slavery, second-class citizenship and other forms of oppression has been a continuous one. The latest best documentation about the physical fight of a Black Liberation was led by Sister Assata Shakur (presently exiled in Cuba), who led an underground movement to avoid the fate of The Black Party members who were slaughtered in the late 1960's and early 1970's.....There has never been a through/conprehensive recordation about the Black Liberation Army of the 1970's in a book, but the various parts are scattered and available for the historian with the resources, courage, will and determination to research and write that book..........i have been involved in the publication of some 600 different titles over the course of my work in "The Struggle." I would love to have some involvement in the documenation of the history about The BLA OF THE 1970S IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: if anyone has such a manuscript, or one in progress, or just have some documentation that will be helpful for a future researcher of our history from, say 1960, please contact me (434) 378-2140.................................Khalifah
OCTOER IS PTslaveryD Awarness month. "The Cure and Treatments" for Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder" continues 434-378-2140

October 30, 2010, 10 am to 2 pm - Tour the Nat Turner Trail to Mark Year 179 of his re-capture on October 31.
U.B.U.S. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, Black America's Premier, Publisher, Printer and Distributor of Quality, Relevant Books: Don't forget to "Meditate at the Hour of 8 am - we do!

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