Greetings Family,This Wednesday on WTLZ Radio-The Liberation Zone we will discuss A Major Conspiracy centered on The Federal Reserve System and how the Rothschild's strongarms the U.S. government. This will be an in depth discussion on the role this entity has played in our lives.Tune in Wednesday, September 23th @ 7-9pm est. to join this informative discussion.Or tune in now to listen to 24/7 for the best in edutainment music and talk.CLICK HERE TO LISTEN:***The call in number is: 678-389-9314***Our guest Panelist for this week are:Bro. Herbert AaronChief Elder of the African Village of...Cleveland, OhioPastor Eddie WilliamsChief Elder & Spiritual Leader of the Afrikan Village...Memphis, TN.Minister Adisa FranklinAfrikan Spiritual Abolitionist and Activist. Author of The Liberation of the African Mind: The Key to Black Salvation & Repent: From Jesus Back To God---Truth and Transformation Ministries, Atlanta, GeorgiaSPONSORS:National Association for Religious Accountability (N.A.R.A.) Salvation.comhttp://www.blacksalvation.comRock Community FoundationYour Host,Rashad AKA The RockWTLZ Radio-The Liberation Zone
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