A CALL TO CONFERENCE OFBLACK NATIONALIST ELDERSBy Emamuel L. KnightJANUARY 15, 2009SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VA – A call is made to Black nationalist Elders to attend a Pro-Black Media Conference “to Assess the State of, Offer Support, and Give Guidance and Advice to The National Black Community.”All Black people are welcome to attend and participate but the specific purpose for the Conference is to assess what Black Elders are planning to do with their possessions when they retire and transition.The purpose of the conference is also to form a National Coalition of Black Nationalist Elders. The Black Nationalist Elders, (NCBNE) will identify worthy work by Black youth to whom they will endorse with words, acts and deeds of support.TARGETED MEMBERSHIPThe targeted Elders for Membership are identified as sixty (60) years and older whose work in the National Black Community is, and has been in the past, from positions within Black Nationalism (Pan Africanist and other Independence guided formations).Black Elders, as they are in the greater Black Community, 60 years and older are transitioning (dying) at a faster pace than others within Black America. The Coalition of Black Nationalist Elders is to ensure that the nature of their work, now and after they transition, benefit Black Independence Movements within Black America.The wealth of NCBNE is profound when collected together. However, since the devastation of the progressive ideology of the general Black community in general, and Black nationalism in particular, there is much prevailing confusion about the ideals, principles and practice of Black Nationalism. The conference will address these concerns.MEDIA, POLITICS, CULTURE, ECONOMICS & SPIRITUALITYThe conference will focus on five areas of concern in Black America: 1) Politics 2) Culture 3) Economics 4) Spirituality and 5) Media. Models of “systems” that have served Black people well during THEIR OWN lives will be the guiding manner in which the Elders Coalition will work.The “Callers to Conference” are Dr. Kamau Kambon, and First United Brother, H. Khalif Khalifah. They targeted the over sixty generation primarily because, arguably, all of the major advances of The Black Nation today can be traced to the work of their own generation when they were Black Youth in the 1960’s.As “elders” in Black America over sixty, there is no dearth of knowledge or understanding about Independence vs any other ideal, Program vs System, Religion vs Spirituality and Words vs Acts and Deeds. The Wisdom from the understanding will guide causes their support.Anyone of a mind to attend the conference is welcome. The conference will be held at in THE NAT TURNER REFERENCE LIBRARY, 26070 Barhams Hills Road, Drewryville, Virginia 23844 during Black History Month 2010. The date and time will be announced: call 434-378-2140, or 919-250-9110 to register or get more information.

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  • Saturday, October 10, 2009, 6:57:54 PM

    Open Letter to Afrikan Elders - pt1

    Where Are Our Voices?

    What is our attitude towards the violence running rampage in Chicago? How is it impacting our work as community repair agents in the reparations movement? Is our rhetoric about Nationhood, Peoplehood, and Brotherhood just that - RHETORIC!?

    Are there any elders within our community who would be courageous enough to reach out to our children with words of peace and a plan for resolution of the disputes that are costing us so much (the lives of our children). Are there an elders who could get the ear of the youth and persuade them to think about their future over and above their current circumstance and/or anger?

    As Afrikan Elders isn’t is our responsibility to make the effort? Despite the lack of any visible concern on the part of elected “leaders” for the need for an immediate cease fire, don’t we owe it to our ancestors to teach our children to importance of fighting the right enemy. Even if the voices of the elected “leaders” are weak on the issue of ending the violence in our community, our voices should not be weak. Our voices must advocate for an end to the senseless violence as opposed to lockin’ up the perpetrators and throwing away the key. We have to step-up and not wait on elected “leaders”.

    Shouldn’t our elders lead the way for our youth, like Nas, to speak truth to their cohorts? With the proper Elder Guidance, Nas’ effort would be even more powerful. Elder Wisdom and Youthful Energy must come together to speak to our children about the value of Black Life for Black People. And our voices must be heard through every media outlet and propaganda outlet at every opportunity!

    Enough questions! It is time for some action! It is time for our “United Voices” Against the Self Destruction of our Future to be heard. I challenge N’COBRA, the Nation of Islam, the National Black United Front and any and every other “Afrikan-centered” organization, group, or individual to put the issue of “Love for Black Self” in the mainstream media, in the Afrikan media, Afrikan underground outlets, in the community and on the minds of our children the same way Nas has made an effort! THE VIOLENCE IS COSTING US TOO MUCH!

    When our reparations are realized, what good will they be if all our male children are died, in jail and/or mental deranged due to a lack of Afrikan-centered guidance from our community? 500-600 plus homicides a year in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, Los Angels, Atlanta, Jackson, Miami, Cleveland, Baltimore, or anywhere should not be the expected norm for our community! But it will continue to be until we decide to stop it.

    Read Nas’ commitments on the Derrion Albert killing in Chicago -
    • DMV
      I feel your urgency brother Lukata,
      If you knew what to do to stop the violence today, you would do it: so would i. We are not prepared to stop it, THE SECOND BEST THING TO DO is prepare and plan - this is doable, and that is EXACTLY what those of us who have a certain degree of UNDERSTANDING are doing; the understanding gives us the WISDOM to be doing what according to our degree of understanding.
      Calling the Black Elders to come into formation is not just to talk: we will bring our possession, pool them, prepare and plan to do what we are wise enough to do.............
      • South
        You are welcome to attend the conference; or submit a written statement of your assessments of what must be done. Send to
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