18th ANNUAL BLACK BOOK AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN BLACK LITERATURE:June 5, 6 & 7, 2009:STILL TIME TO PUBLISH or PRINT FOR SALE AT BBAMarch 7, 2009SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA – UBUS Communications Systems, the “trail blazing” premier Independent Black Publisher announce the 18th presentation of Black Book Awards for Excellence in Black Literature. As per the prior 19 “validation and celebration of books that are written by, for or about Black people,” the first weekend in June is reserved as a holiday for Black Writers, publishers, printers, vendors and other sellers and buyers of Black literature.2009 the first weekend is June 5, 6 & 7. Entry to receive a Black Book Award is free, as is attendance and participation. Go to www.blackbooksaward.com for more information.It is not accidental or coincidental that Black Book Awards are presented on the same weekend as the ABA, the Caucasian trade organization that operates to celebrate white literature. But as usual a number of new Black writers will go o the ABA, rather than to Southampton County and celebrate Black literature.“This is ok for new Black writers,” said H. Khalif Khalifah, the Founder of UBUS, and host for an event that is estimated to have presented Black Book Awards for more than 500 individuals – 95% of whose work has never been cited anyplace on the planet. Not because it was not good, or deserving enough, but because no one have the vision and good business sense to institutionalize an event that is also a great promotion opportunity for Black Writers.“It is ok for new Black writers because many may not have gotten the word about Black Book Awards, or, are still of the mindset that THEIR work will be the exception to what the ABA is established to do. They witness that 99% of the citations and celebration is of white literature at the ABA. Many come to us the following years.” Continued Khalifah.But according to Khalifah, other, otherwise ‘conscious’ black people will also go to ABA, or not come to Southampton County during Black Literature Weekend. They are simply not independently minded to the degree necessary to appreciate the effort; or do not want their work to cited by a 100% Black organization.BLACK LUMINARIES HAVE BEEN CITEDEveryone will not appreciate Black Book Awards, but many of the most renown Black individuals in history have attended, been “hugged up” celebrated and received the awards. The prelude to the now institution was the 1st “Harlem Literary and Arts Festival, October 1 & 2, 1977. The Guest Speakers were: Prof John Henrik Clark, Dr. Y. ben Jochanan, Imam Ali Rasheed, Simon Bly Jr., Prof Preston Wilcox, Poets Eugene Reynolds, Rich Bartee, James McRae, Publisher Robert T. Davis, Sister Yetunde & etc.In 1978, Legendary Queen Mother Moore and Dr. Amos N. Wilson were two of the main speakers. No awards were presented at the first two. But after relocating to Virginia - building the Black Book Industry into a “Movement,” in the 1980’s, in 1991 the celebration of Black Literature received its first institutional presentation of Citations and celebration in a comprehensive way.Awards for “Best New Writer,” “Best Book of the Year – fiction and non-fiction,” “Publisher of the Year,” “Distributor of the Year,” and etc. have been awarded. Since that year the following are among the Black writers who have received awards: Sister Sharazad Ali, Dr. Tony Martin, Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Imari Obadele, Sister Johnita Obadele, Dr. Edward Smalls Jr., Sister Amuntyt Judy Carter Khalifah, Nation of Islam, C.R.O.E., Omar Tyree, Marva Cooper, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Adib Rashad, Dr. Kamau Kambon, John F. Hatchett, Yusef Abdul Salaam, Amir Fatir, Latif Tarik, Keidi Awadu, Dr. Henry N. Anderson, Mr. Carol Barnes, Gloria Taylor Edwards, Brother Lumumba Odinga, Ibn Khalifah, Moi Collier and too many others to name – more are listed at www.blackbooksaward.comAll activities during Black Literary Weekend are at the Khalifah’s Estates in Southampton County, Virginia. That is all except for the last day when Khalifah leads the writers, families and friends on a “Return to the Nat Turner Trail.” In fact, Khalifah’s Estates is located at the Birthplace of Nat Turner. At the least, that is the legend in the County.One thing for certain, Nat Turner, Slaved, Preached and Planned the most dynamic Revolt in Black History on the land of Khalifah’s Estates. The Black Book Awards not only celebrate Black literature, but it also helps to authentic, celebrate and preserve the history of Nat Turner. Revenues generated during the weekend contribute to the building of The Nat Turner Slave Museum, The Khalifah world class Library, Discount Black Bookstore and the Nat Turner Gift Shop.NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER YOUR PUBLICATIONAny books that have not been cited in the past are eligible to receive an award. If your book has been previously cited, it still may qualify to be celebrated and validated for other awards of recognition. If your book is out of print, you still have time to have Khalifah arrange a small, reasonable print run of 10 books. In any event, if you are a Black writer, family, friend or reader of Black literature, mingling for 3 days or less with some average of 3 dozen writers is quite exciting.If you have written a book and need publishing or printing information, call Khalifah at (704) 277-4635 or (704) 277-1462 – tune in to Khalifah Booknotes Radio presentations, every Wednesday 7 pm to 9 pm. www.harambeeradio.comEntry for a Black Book Award is Free. Deadline for entry is May 1, 2009: Send 2 copies to BLACK BOOK AWARDS: P. O. Box 9, DREWRYVILLE, VA 23844. Or go to www.blackbooksaward.com and register. Or call (704) 277-4635 or (704) 277-1462.Or go to www.blackwritersalliance.com