Young Nigerian Builds Country’s First Aircraft.

This effort if well-nurtured could transform Nigeria's economy

This effort if well-nurtured could transform Nigeria’s economy

The Niger Delta is synonymous with mostly two things – Crude Oil and Youth restiveness but a young man from Brass LG in Bayelsa state, is changing that perception and it can get better if only he gets all the necessary support.

Ifiemi Felagha, 36, built a light plane in the comfort of his homestead. The young man who works with an oil servicing firm, spent his leisure time over the past 8 years to bring his dream project - a light plane – to fruition which he named ‘Destiny.’

According to Felagha’s parents, they noticed from his childhood that he loved putting different things together although he achieved his latest feat even without a tertiary education.

The aircraft is however yet to take-off because Ifiemi is not a trained Pilot. He is now consulting with aviation experts but for now, he keeps moving the aircraft on his make-shift runway.

We believe that this effort if well-nurtured could transform Nigeria’s economy at a time when the commercial airline business is booming in Africa.

The management of Project Pan-Africa (PPA) is therefore calling on the Federal government of Nigeria to please support this initiative. After all, such is the manner in which the Wright Brothers begun their adventure in their determination to build the first ever aircraft in history.


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