
Are you willing to consider that "'The Truth" will not set you free'?

Are wiilling to consider that reliance on "The Truth" and the belief in "The Truth" will not set you free.

Consider that untill we are willing to give up "The Truth", the current conditions will remain.

Freedom begins with the willingness to give up "The Truth".

And, this is not "The Truth".



"The Truth" is the ultimate prison.

       And, this is not "The Truth".


~Kwasi Akyeampong.


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  • Listen to Dragnet - Lt. Friday. Do not give me The Truth - "Just the facts, ma'am."

    There is no truth - The Truth is relative to one's point-of-view.

    The Truth is imposed by the weight and force of Agreements.
    There is no truth out there anywhere to see, feel and touch.
    The Truth exist and The Truth exists only in language.
    The Truth is a point-of-view imposed by the weight and the force of Agreement.


    It was once The Truth that the earth was flat - and that was The truth.
    "Aton is the one True God" - and that was The Truth.
    Black people were 3/5 of a human being - and that was The Truth.

    My god is the one True God and that is The Truth.
    And we continue to kill one another to impose the supremacy of our TRUTH.

    If you believe in my TRUTH you will be free.

    The Truth is a jail.
    It is the ultimate barrier to freedom.

    When we give up "The Truth" and get that its only a point-of-view and get the fact: "Just the fact, ma'am". - we really be free.

    Justice is perverted by weight of The Truth.
    The Facts have freed many innocent men who were jailed by the weight and the force of The Truth.

    Impiric science is based only on Reality (Distance, Time and Form) not The Truth, beliefs and myths.

    The Truth will never set you free.

    When give the option of accepting the slave masters Truth Nat Turner said, "I'd rather die an free man than live a slave."

    "The Truth" will not set you free!

    ~Kwasi Akyeampong

  • South

    Peace and Blessings Brother I'am totally lost on this please break it down for me so I may understand.

    • Thanks for be willing to engage in the question.

      My opinion is that's what's valuable is not me breaking it down so you "may understand" but that you go beyond what's unstandable or what you unstand.
      A Place To Begin this INQUIRY is to ask yourself "Am I willing to examine and even give up my strongly held beliefs and what I already know and "understand" as The Truth?"

      Notice is the barriers that are in the way of you even consider questioning and even consider giving up your strongly held beliefs and that which you already know and "understand" as "The Truth."



    • Europe

      This could be a very interesting discussion. Truth is perhaps only an idea that can be assembled by real facts as is thought to be attempted in Law Courts. However as I said to a Lawyer once, you are trained to contrive the truth.....

      Truth is coupled for that reason with Trust. We have to have trust that the truth etc etc. It seemed to me that during the last century mankind's innocent sense of trust was completely wrecked by WW1 and 2.  This I heard also was the sad reality in Germany when all Germans found out what had been done in their name. ie. the most cruel and outrageous breakdowns in trust are effected by national governments. Although ofcourse the preliminary trust is mostly broken in the domestic home, in school and the workplace.

      Can we use the word truth? Can it be assembled within a shelter of facts - facts that are similar to factory productions (no pun intended) in that they are identifiable. The objects in a truthful statement can be confirmed by all - but each of our opinions of them may be as different as they say "chalk from cheese".   Truth however has mainly been the subject of moral judgements and therein it fails to be true...?

    • South

      They thought the earth was flat but that was a lie. The earth is round that is a proven truth. Truth must be proven or can be proven a lie can always be shown to be just that a lie.

    • Europe

      However truth as it is used ranges over states of mind, actions, past events, and feelings. How can I prove that I feel joy or sorrow?  As a poet it purports that a strong and beautiful poem or line can approximate the truth. Often there is insufficient evidence to say that "explanation" might be the truth and there we return to the Law Court practices again looking for witness. Can we abandon the term "truth" because it is nearly useless except in a very limited sense of measurement and matter?

    • South

      Yes sir if what I believe is truth and it turns out to be a lie then I'm living lies and teaching my children lies. I am willing to examine and give up my beliefs if they are not true. I think that is part of our problem as a people we live lies. And we just lie for no reason. "I'm ready!

    • Consider that A Lie is someone's Truth that you do not believe.

      Consider even further that what we call The Truth is made up.
      Consider that there is NO TRUTH.
      Are you willing to consider that?

      Consider that The Truth and Truth is an interpretation of .....


    • South

      When I was in High school I asked one of my friends "How do we know the grass is green? How do we really know that this color is blue? How do we know for sure that the word green is actually spelled the way they have taught us?" So this was my thinking then and now. Yes like there is no spoon

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