The ONLY people truly excited about the upcoming Illinois Governor's Race are the mainstream media which is where the overwhelming majority of the campaigns are invested - AT THE USUAL EXPENSE of the low income, disenchanted and disconnected voters in the Black community!! 
You cannot watch ANY program on major media outlets without the regular running of campaign ads, and then when you look on social media everyday you STILL only see campaign ads on CAMPAIGN SITES ONLY and not a one on Black social media sites that represent so many of the disconnected constituencies these campaigns SAY they need to win. 
But these campaigns today also represent a major CLASSISM that further disconnect these disconnected Black constituencies EVEN CAMPAIGNS with Black consultants who have also contributed to the lack of investment in disconnected Black grassroots constituencies. Those who represent these constituencies WILL NOT SEE THEMSELVES in these campaigns until the usual final 90 Day Campaign push where campaigns basically take full advantage of the desperate economic conditions for those who desperately take those final literature distribution jobs. 
Poor constituencies deserve better but they continue to speak the truth in that nobody gives a damned about them until the final 90 campaign push, but the mainstream media is the new campaign field operation. 
I will continue to be a voice for the voiceless, and the disconnected and continue to use my voice to so the these disconnected constituencies during these desperate economic times have these campaigns invest in you and make you feel as important as mainstream media feels from these campaigns. WHEW! So here we go again with this being promoted as the most expensive in campaign spending but the poor communities whose vote is needed the most CANT EVEN SEE THEMSELVES and those who represent them in this current campaign spending.  Poor Black community, ON TRACK to be just as poor before the election, during the election, and after the election.   The CLASSISM will also continue as we continue to see established Black leadership and established Black pundits but clearly NOT THOSE Black political advocates the poor and disconnected constituencies recognize, which also contributes to the voter apathy in poor Black disconnected constituencies. 
Finally, it really is discouraging when you see some damned good footage and positions that COULD engage disconnected folk ONLY if these campaigns would INVEST in the leadership and sites where the disconnected look to.  STAY TUNED! 

No Up Front Black Media Budget From Governor Campaigns In Illinois - ONLY Mainstream media!! 
The problem with The Pritzker, Rauner, Kennedy Campaigns For Governor (and now other candidates TOO) is that their social media presence is EXCUSIVELY LIMITED to their campaigns owned sponsored social media sites with NO BUDGET yet seen on any of the many Black owned media and social media outlets or any other Black owned outlets. 
These (and other) campaigns MUST KNOW that just as there is a mainstream media budget up front running now that there should be an up front Black media and Black social media budget as part their Campaign Spending Agenda. Just one of the 10 Points in The National Black Wall Street Chicago Campaign Spending Agenda.   
National Black Wall Street Chicago Issues Pro-Active 10 POINT Black Political/Economic Agenda For Governors Race 
By Veteran Political Activist Mark Allen 
BREAKING NEWS -- THIS JUST IN -- I am personally and publicly PERPLEXED in the "HERE WE GO YET AGAIN!!" with a number of Black people having their private and public meetings and photo ops with major Democratic candidates running for Governor with NO TRANSPARENT Black Political ECONOMIC agenda PRIOR to their private and public photo op meetings with VERY BASIC up front agenda items like
1. What is your prior and/or current record of empowering Black in BLACK jobs and contracting?
2. What is their public commitment to depositing the multi millions of dollars in campaign spending with BLACK financial institutions?
3. What is their public commitment to designated campaign spending with Black media; 
4. What is their public commitment to the hiring of established Black political staff and consultants in their Senior Campaign Management staff?
5. WHO are the current Blacks as part of their current management and outreach staff; 
6. WHERE are their current offices in the Black community in offices owned by Black Real estate owners?
7. WHAT are their current up front commitment to financially budget for grassroots voter registration; is their public commitment to engage Black professional and service providers that the BLACK community can SEE;
8. WHAT BLACK social media providers are they engaging in their current outreach to the BLACK community;
9 WHAT are their immediate public policy proposals to deal with the BLACK versus MINORITY business and contracting numbers in a state and and community with DOUBLE DIGIT Black unemployment numbers;
10. WHO in their current campaign structures represents the grassroots leadership of those who represent the constituencies of traditionally disconnected street voters who have not voted for anybody in recent years that those disconnected constituencies can SEE?? --- HERE WE ARE YET AGAIN approaching THEE MOST EXPENSIVE in campaign spending and far too many IN MY JUDGEMENT in the Black community are ALREADY showing a frenzy over candidates with EASY meetings and photo ops WITHOUT SHOWING UP FRONT their most BASIC of Black Political Economic commitments BEFORE our appearance of support! The BEST WAY in my judgment to judge a candidate is NOT what you will spend on the Black community IF you get elected BUT what is your UP FRONT public BLACK community campaign spending commitment while you are running!! HEAR MY VOICE! God bless

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